Introduction: Bicycle Window Box- for the Transient Gardener.

A window box for the cyclist who is always on the move,  cycle tourist needing nutritious strawberries and beansprouts
or simply for someone without a garden . . . or maybe just a moron like me who cannot get this stupid idea out of his head.

Step 1: Tools Needed

Set Square + pen (optional)

Step 2: Saw Wood

Get an old pallet and saw it up something like this.
Try to avoid the very knotty parts.

Step 3: Nail It Together

Nail it together in a box type stylee.

I drilled holes in the outer parts, for the nails, because this cheap wood can split easily.

Step 4: Attach to Bike.

Drill holes for zipties and fix the box to your handlebars.

Step 5: Plant Seeds

Fill with (non-peat) compost and plant seeds.

I eat a lot of hemp and flax (linseed) because of the omega oils; so I went my food cupboard and got a handful of flax.

I did not think that hemp was an option,( I made that mistake last year when I openly grew 20 hemp plants in my garden; I was told that they fall into the same legal status as cannabis)

Step 6: Wait a Few Weeks.

Read a book, I suggest a Bukowski.

Ride around on your lovely flowery bike avoiding death threats from large men.

These have not flowered yet, (they will be blue, use your imagination.), but I couldn't wait any longer to publish.

Oh yes, keep it well watered; the plants will thrive and the soil won't get thrown out everytime you go up a kerb.

Good Luck,


UPDATE- Feb 2012-
This Instructable was recently featured in TreeHugger along with some other similar idea that made me smile.