Introduction: Bike Hanging Rack
Bike hanging rack on the cheap...
Step 1: Materials
I used 2x3 boards for uprights and base, and a 2x4 for the top horizontal piece.
Then gathered pallet wood and other spare wood i had in my wood junk yard.
Lastly i bought some small baseboards (i think 3/8" x 1-1/2" (2) pieces 7' long each
Then gathered pallet wood and other spare wood i had in my wood junk yard.
Lastly i bought some small baseboards (i think 3/8" x 1-1/2" (2) pieces 7' long each
Step 2: Build and Secure Frame
I built the frame and screwed it to the rafters in my garage. I can also be screwed to studs
Step 3: Back Boards
I sanded, stained and varnished the boards.
Step 4: Mount Boards
I chose not to mount or screw the horizontal boards to anything, and decided to leave them floating on the wall. So secured them using vertical "stop plates" on each side.
Step 5: Hang Bikes
Thats it, all thats left to do is hang the bikes
I used some heavy duty hooks from home depot for just a few bucks each
I used some heavy duty hooks from home depot for just a few bucks each