Introduction: Bike String Art

This is an easy, fun project to make if you have some extra yarn hanging around your home. It doesn't require much thought and can be done with younger children as well. It is an easy, cheap way to make your home look cozy and unique. The supplies can be found in almost everyone's home. At least I don't know anyone who doesn't have some useless yarn in their closet. Or your grandma will have some for you to use I'm sure. Now let's get working.


What you will need is quite basic:



Paint Brush





Mini Flowers (Optional)

Step 1: Choosing the Wood

When you choose your wood, make sure it is strong enough for the nails not to split it, and soft enough for it to be easy to put the nails in. Some examples are: Western Red Cedar, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Southern Pine, Redwood, Ponderosa Pine, Hem-Fir, Eastern White Pine,and Douglas Fir, but you can just use what you have in your shop, so long it is strong enough. P.S. Ignore the hole that I drilled. It is for a different project.

Step 2: Staining the Wood

My brother decided to steal some of my stain, so I decided to make my own. I mixed some white paint and black paint together and then added a bit of water. This made a very watery substance which seeped well into my wood , creating a beautiful finished look. Then Wait till it drys, 1/2-1 hour.

Step 3: Nailing

This is the pattern I printed out and used for nailing the nails onto my wood: Sorry for the long URL, but that's where i got it from. Anyways, I basically just tape the page on and nail the nails onto my piece of wood. Then your good to go. Make sure you take the paper off.

Step 4: Stringing

Basically, just do the frame of the bike like: start at number 1( tie a not and put a bit of glue on on it to keep it in place), go around number 2, go back to number 1, then around number two gain, then to number 3, and repeat the process. Then for the other things, go random , but make sure that you cover everything. The spokes on the wheels are a little difficult, but just do it by looks, I can't really explain it. You'll figure it out when you get there I'm sure.

Step 5: Hanging

So you can basically do any type of hanging concept you want. A rope, a nail, etc. I just used a self-leveling hanger, but anything works, really.