Introduction: Bio Luminaire

This bio luminaire boasts an organic, captivating design that breaks away from conventional geometric shapes. Inspired by the natural world, it seamlessly blends form and function, creating a visually stunning and ergonomically optimized lighting solution.



  • Used teabag leaves
  • Eggshells
  • All-purpose flower
  • Egg tray carton
  • Food coloring
  • water


  • Bowl
  • Grinding bowl
  • Plastic spoon
  • Paper plate
  • Stove
  • pot

Step 1:

Using a pair of scissors, cut 210mm×300mm of thin cardboard and bend it in a shape of a cone as depicted in the image above.

Step 2:

 In a bucket, soak two egg carton trays (cut down to smaller pieces) in 1 litre worth of water for about an hour.

Step 3:

Place six eggs worth of eggshells in a grinding bowl and start grinding. Grind eggshells to smaller pieces, the consistency must not be too fine. In a separate bowl, pour the eggshell grind in it. In the eggshell grind bowl, pour ten teabags worth of used teabags leaves in it and start mixing everything together.

Step 4:

Once the egg carton is soaked and soft, take it out and squeeze out any excess water and pour it out in a pot. Pour 250ml of water and put it on medium heat. After 5 minutes, pour the eggshell and teabag leaves mixture in the pot. After another 5 minutes, add 4 cups of flour and mix everything together. After an additional 5 minutes, add five drops of food colouring (colour of your choice) and mix.

Step 5:

One the mixture has cooked for 10 minutes, pour it out in a bowl.

Step 6:

Mould the mixture on the cone cardboard structure (this will be the lamp shade), Mould a 370 mm long stick (this will be the support) and lastly mould a circular base that's about 150mm in diameter.

Step 7:

After leaving the pieces to dry out in the sun for a week, assemble the luminaire. Connect the base and support using bonding glue, make a hole on the lamp shade so that the support can slide into it. Make a groove channel underneath the base so that the electrical wire can sit properly and won't make the lamp uneven when standing.

Step 8:

Finaly, Put in the electrical components.