Introduction: Bird Feeder From Recycled Drink Bottle.
This type fo bird feeder can be made from a plastic recycled drink bottle and a plastic lid or food container. Any size drink bottle can be use as most of them have a one inch bottle cap. Note, squirrels will eat the bottle to get to the food.
Step 1: Drill One Inch Hole
Using a one inch wood drill bit like the one shown here with the two small cutting edges, drill a one inch hole in your lid or food container. With a little practice you can make a nice clean hole.
Step 2: Melt Holes in Bottle
Using a small soldering iron, melt about eight 3/8 in holes near the top of the bottle. These holes are for the seed to feed out of the bottle. Melting the holes seems to work much better than trying to drill them. Melting leaves a somoother hole than a drilled one.
Step 3: Install Wire or String Hanger
Melt a very small hole in the bottom of the bottle and pass a wire through the hole and out the top of the bottle. Bend a small loop in the wire to keep it from pulling back through. Put a large loop on the other end of the wire to hang the feeder.
Step 4: Secure With Bottle Cap
Push the bottle through the one inch hole and attach the bottle cap. The bottle cap will secure the food container to the bottle. Remove the bottle cap to fill the container with mixed bird seed using a funnel. The size holes in this model works well with sun flower and smaller seed. Contact me at WD8SAS@HOTMAIL.COM with any questions. I have made hundreds of these this past year and they are well received. I have made several live demonstrations on recycled bottles at the county fair and boy scout meetings and it was received well also.
Step 5: Finished Feeder
This is the finished feeder using a two liter pepsi bottle and a coolwhip container lid. Most any size drink bottle will work. I don't know how long they will last out in the weather. I have some that are three years old. If you plan to use thisle seed ( the very small seed) Make the holes slotted using the small part of the soldering iron. Slot the holes 1/8 in X 1/2 long.