Birding Challenge
It's Summer now, but birders are getting ready for Autumn the peak season for bird activity, and it's the time that garden birders prepare their garden to be ready for visiting birds over Autumn, Winter, and into the nesting season in Spring.
So, to launch our new Birding Channel, we’ve put to…Show more
Birding Challenge
It's Summer now, but birders are getting ready for Autumn the peak season for bird activity, and it's the time that garden birders prepare their garden to be ready for visiting birds over Autumn, Winter, and into the nesting season in Spring.
So, to launch our new Birding Channel, we’ve put together some awesome prizes to reward your birding-related projects, be they equipment you make or modify, projects for the back-garden birder, or you’re passing on the essential skills and insider tips of birding. It would also be interesting to see what software tools or apps you could create to use in the field.
Just a couple of minor restrictions: this challenge is about the observation and welfare of birds, so no hunting projects, please, and no trapping unless you can demonstrate you have complied with any local regulations regarding trapping, recording and release of wild birds (eg you possess a license to capture and ring birds). Prizes:
Popular Mechanics: How to Charm a Bird
Stealth Gear Photographers' Gloves
Hawke Nature Spotting Scope (20-60x60)Canon 10x30 Image Stabilization BinocularsExample Projects:
To give you an idea of the right sort of project, here are some great birding instructables that people have posted in the past! (Not eligible for this challenge due to post date.)Rules:
1) You MUST post a Photo, Step-by-Step, or Video Instructable
2) There is no limit to the number of Instructables you can post. However, no duplicate entries are allowed.
3) Projects that do not meet the criteria of the challenge will not be permitted to enter.
4) The judges reserve the right to disqualify anyone who cheats or engages in unsportsmanlike conduct.
5) To be clear, the project MUST be published after the challenge has started to be eligible.
(see the official rules here)
6) You must show what you're copying in order to be eligible. Eligibility of each individual Instructable is at the sole discretion of Kiteman.
All entries must be published and posted in the comments below posted by 11:59pm August 28th, PST.
Only entries published between 3:00pm August 8th (PST) and 11:59pm August 28th (PST) are eligible.
All entries will be exclusively judged by Kiteman based on successful completion, originality, and overall execution of the Instructable. Winners will be announced on or around August 29th.
How to Enter:
Post a link to your Photo Instructable, Step-by-step or Video in the comments below, and I'll add it if it's eligible! (There may be a delay between your comment and the appearance of your project in the Entries section).
Please note! This challenge is not intended for you to follow instructions you found, but to create your own projects and instructions. If you are confused, feel free to send me a message if you would like further clarification. Thanks! - Kiteman
And the winner is...Tetra Pak Bird Box
Thanks to all the entries! It was a hard choice, but I really appreciated all your efforts for my first ever official challenge, and I hope that Birding projects go on to have a strong presence on the site.