Introduction: Black Bucket Panniers
So after doing a lot of research into building bucket panniers.....I came across this link on instructables.
I think this is best design out there for a cheap and high quality bucket pannier. The pannier clips ordered from are awesome, easy to attach to the buckets and were only $1.50 a piece. The one think I wanted that I hadn't seen anyone do yet was get some buckets that weren't the god awful kitty litter white ones. I did quite a bit of internet searching before I found a company that would sell me two buckets of the color I wanted and wouldn't cost much more then buying kitty litter buckets. This is what I found:
They make the 4 gallon bucket in a wide variety of colors to match most bikes. I got two black buckets with matching black lids for $20 shipped to my door.
If you have questions feel free to email me but use the link above for an inventory list and build instructions. I just wanted to offer my two sense on the buckets.