Introduction: Black Hole

What do you do with a black hole?
You ponder it wonder what lies beyond the Event Horizon. Is matter crushed out of existence or an opening to another universe? My black hole can become your black hole.


• $1 at dollar tree
Darice ornament sphere Amazon
3mm white LEDs
(8) pre-wired for 12volts) Amazon
10ga.copper wire HomeDepot
hot glue gun Joann crafts 40%off coupon
10-24 coupler HomeDepot
semi gloss blk spray paint
color copies (2) 11x17 Staples self serve
12 volt source
black poster board •
black foam board •
metal right angle •
foam sand block •
cloth tape •
thin zinc wire 22ga. HomeDepot
32oz milk bottle
bamboo skewers, 32 inch Walmart

Step 1: Sphere

1 Glue halves together, cyanoacrylate
2 file ridge then sand ridge
3 sand sphere so paint sticks better.
4 break off loop
5 melt hole in sphere using hot 10-24 coupler.
6 hot glue heated coupler in hole, slide in and out to work glue inside.
7 paint sphere with semi gloss black after stand is made.

Step 2: Sphere Stand

1 wrap cloth tape around metal square.
2 cut and bend copper wire to shape seen.
3 hot glue to cloth tape (athletic tape)
4 wrap end of bare wire in paper, temp glue.
5 fill coupler in sphere with hot glue.
6 immediately insert paper covered wire.
7 cool then pull out wire from sphere.
(paper sleeve will remain in coupler allowing easy attachment to sphere)

Step 3: LED Backlights

1 32 oz plastic milk bottle.
2 melt holes for bamboo skewers. use hot hex key.
3 sand LEDs make clear into frosted to disperse light evenly.
4 hot glue LEDs to skewers
5 twist zinc coated wire and hot glue to bottle. - make zinc wire long enough to reach all led leads.
6 solder leads to wire. all white to one wire all black to other wire.

Step 4: Power

Power LEDs with 12 volt source. SLA battery. Use alligator clips to connect to milk bottle.

Android J7 Star with built in flash
Flash used on some images.
Flash reflection on ball removed with PicsArt app. Clone tool.

5s Lipo with 500 ohm pot. (allows dimming)

LED Light Glow EL Wire String Strip Rope
Coil up insert into optional base. 2AA batteries. EL wire over exposes when photographed so it was not used.

Step 5: MISC

various interesting pics