Introduction: 'Black Snakes' Fireworks.


This is my first instructable.

Hope you enjoy it.

'Black Snake' Fireworks.

What you need:

  • baking soda ( Sodium Bicarbonate)
  • powdered sugar (I used brown sugar)
  • Alcohol / Lighter fluid

Step 1:

Get 1 spoon baking powder and 4 spoons of powdered sugar.

Step 2:


Step 3:

Get some sand and make a small hill.

Next make a hole in the middle of the hill.

Put your soda+sugar mixture in the hole.

Cover the mixture with a thin layer of sand.

Soak the sand and the mixture with Alcohol / Lighter fluid.

Step 4:

Light it up!

Step 5: Notes:

There should be black 'snakes' coming out of the sand after you light it.


After the 'snakes' cool down, (which took me a few seconds) they are quite solid but powdery. You can easily hold one in your hand.

Baking Soda Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Baking Soda Challenge 2017