Introduction: Blender Bottle Smoothie

About: I like fun stuff! lol ?
I recently bought this blender bottle. I have always been curious of how well they blend so I gave it a go!
To make this smoothie you will need...

Step 1: Whey Protien

4 Ounces of whey protein

Step 2: 1/2 Teaspoon Chilli or Cayenne Pepper

I prefer cayenne but chilli powder is good and adds some interesting flavor notes...

Step 3: 1 Banana

Smash it a little before peeling

Step 4: Two Fingers of Honey Peanut Butter! ?

It's probably 1/4 cup but I rarely measure any thing...

Step 5: 11 Ounces of Cinnamon Flavored Coconut Milk

Shake, open and pour...
I get this at 99 cents only. They are 2 for 99 cents!

Step 6: Mix

Put all ingredients in a blender bottle and shake until you can't shake no more, then you can drink it or Carabineer it to your bag for later...