Introduction: Blown Ice
Have you imagined to be able to do something real with your blow?, something different from turn off a candle?, This is a interactive ice dispense that involves the blow like part of the mechanical system of the object.
THE OBJECT IS THIS: Is an ice dispenser, who is a cube, so, to use it, you blow to the front of the cube, an then the ice, comes from the bottom of the cube, that`s the experience, i`m trying to make.
THE OBJECT IS THIS: Is an ice dispenser, who is a cube, so, to use it, you blow to the front of the cube, an then the ice, comes from the bottom of the cube, that`s the experience, i`m trying to make.
Step 1: Concept
the main concept of the project is the exploration of the qualities that we possess as human beings, taking as tool the blow, and looking for to improve or to make but funn the interface of an object used in the house, i meda an interactive ice dispenser who involves this concept
Step 2: Using Technology - Wiring
I know that i have a lot of dreams but, in spite of that i live in real world, that`s why we need to find answer to our problems here, for this proyect i used Wiring (, a software that gives me the oportunity to make changes in the physic world, with the help of technology, first here is the list of elements that I use in the proyect in a technologic level:
-I/O Wiring board
- 1 Photoresistor
- 1 transistor L293D
- 1 stepper motor
- cables
The first thing is to connect to the Wiring board, the transistor L293D, who works as a controller for the stepper motor, the I/O board has some digital pins, so I conected the transistor to this pins acoording to he data chip. The motor has 4 outs, and two grounds. You can see here the circuit diagram to star your own proyect
-I/O Wiring board
- 1 Photoresistor
- 1 transistor L293D
- 1 stepper motor
- cables
The first thing is to connect to the Wiring board, the transistor L293D, who works as a controller for the stepper motor, the I/O board has some digital pins, so I conected the transistor to this pins acoording to he data chip. The motor has 4 outs, and two grounds. You can see here the circuit diagram to star your own proyect
Step 3: Using Technology - Photoresistor
The second part of the proyect who involves technology, is a photoresistor, this is a light sensor who sends data to the Wiring board depending on the light level
The, i used the photoresistor to activate the stepper motor, to activate the photoresistor values, i used a mecanism of a disk that you blow,
The, i used the photoresistor to activate the stepper motor, to activate the photoresistor values, i used a mecanism of a disk that you blow,
Step 4: Mecanical System - Motor Lever
when I already made all the circuit, and send the wiring program to the board, I, star to made the macanical system that goes in the cube,
The motor makes a rotation, that goes 25 degrees, wait for 2 seconds and then goes to the original position, so, I made a lever who goes link to the motor,
The motor makes a rotation, that goes 25 degrees, wait for 2 seconds and then goes to the original position, so, I made a lever who goes link to the motor,
Step 5: Light and Disk
To continue with this step you have to make a support structure, to put it the mechancical system after I made the motor level, and all the technologic part, to complete the interior of the box, the next step ismake the mechanical part of the system, I made som kind of lantern and a disk with crosses,