Introduction: Bluetooth Controlled Robot Using Android Mobile
In this project, we will show you how to make a Bluetooth controlled robot in a simple way and low cost.
Step 1: Bluetooth Controlled Robot Using Android
In this project, we will show you how to make a Bluetooth controlled robot in a simple way and low cost.
Step 2: Required Equipment
1) 1* Arduino UNO
2) 1* HC-05(Bluetooth module)
3) 1* l293D motor driver IC
4) 2* DC Geared motors
5) 2* 9V Batteries with clips
6) 1* Chasis
7) Connecting wires Few
Step 3: L293D Connections
* Connect pin 1, 9, 16 to the 5V of the Arduino these pins are enabled pins.
* Pin 4, 5, 12, 13 are Ground pins these were internally shorted so no need to connect all pins to ground. Connect any one of those pins.
* Connect
Pin 2 ---> Pin 8 of Arduino
Pin 7 ---> Pin 7 of Arduino
Pin 10---> Pin 6 of Arduino
Pin 15---> Pin 5 of Arduino
* Connect Pin 3 & 6 to a geared motor and pin 11 & 14 to the another geared motor.
Step 4: HC-05 Interfacing
Connect the pins of HC-05 to the Arduino UNO
-connect Vcc of HC-05 to the 3.3V of Arduino and GND of HC-05 to the ground of Arduino
-connect Tx of HC-05 to the Rx of Arduino and Rx of HC-05 to the Tx of Arduino
1) Resistors are not mandatory.
2) Connect Vcc of HC-05 to the 5V pin in case not activated.
Step 5: Total Circuit Connections
Step 6: Fritzing File
Step 7: Arduino Code
Click download to get Aurdino code directly
Step 8: Bluetooth App
Step 9: For Any Other Info.
If you have any doubts comment below we respond within one day.