Introduction: How to Put Games on an LG EnV2 for Free Plz Comment

Step 1: Tools

1. EnV2 cell phone
2. Ability to use Bluetooth with computer
3. BitPim
download at
4. Computer
5. Internet connection
6. Time

Step 2: Connecting to Phone

Click Edit

Then Click detect phone
use phone wizard to find your phone
use wizard to find phone then browse for your comport that your Bluetooth adapter is plugged into or built into "mine is comport 10"

Step 3: File Systems

Click file systems
this will take a while

Step 4: Files


Step 5: Finding Game

very few games work, but yo u should find a few games that do work
Find a .swf game I cannot stress that it has to be a .swf game enough.
try looking up something like pacman.swf on google click on the link that looks weird look a 2nd image
Then save the page as (.swf)
then drag the saved page onto bt area in bitpim were it shows what you are replacing and then go to Data and press send phone data
here are some games that work

Step 6: Done

Enjoy the game