Introduction: DIY Bluetooth Headphone With 4-5 Days BACKUP.
Hello friends my project is converting wired headphone into wireless by using bluetooth module at much cheaper price which is only the cost of buying a chead bluetooth module. as we all know bluetooth headphone look much cooler are we get rid of those wires which sometimes become annoying to handle.... as we going to use large mah battery...its going to give us continous backup of about 4-5 days....and on normal use of around 1 week..... so lets ...GO.
Step 1: Things Required
Bluetooth module
Charging circuit
Step 2: Dissambling of Heaphone.
so first of all we have to dissamble the headphone which includes first removing of foam pads ... there after unscrewing the screw that holds the all the main speaker housing.....then remove all the connections from the speaker...make sure that to remember which one is +ve and which one is -ve....
Similarly same process for other speaker...dont remove the speaker from the housing with which it is strongly remove the wire but dont throw it it can be used in case we are run out of battery and still want to use it to enjoy our music specially during long journey...
Step 3: Dissambly of Bluetooth Module...
Now you can buy a cheap bluetooth module to keep low cost all depends on you...but i want to make thing if the cost of a project is more then the one in would be better to go for market one...rather than making it ourself....
So first remove the housing of bluetooth module be care full and make sure which wire is which..... as in bluetooth there is in built battery remove that....remove the 3.5mm female headphone jack and dont throw it away...but remember the wires for left,right,and ground...
As i am using a cheap module which is powered only by 5v and does not work under 5v and if you try to run it using less then 5v ,it would say LOW BATTERY and will power it it self...but dont worry i had made a solution to bypassing the component which checks input voltage which is marked with RED circle....but many others bluetooth module which had inbuilt battery ( 3.7 volt )..they dont have such problems......
DONT GET CONFUSE...focus only on 2 is BATTERY TERMINALS +ve and -ve ...second AUDIO OUTPUT ( Left, Right, Ground)...leave mic where it is ...just make a small hole in housing near mic at the end after fixing the position of module in housing.
Step 4: Step-4 Connecting All Thing
Now... by keeping bluetooth module in one housing means in left or right side of heaphone box.....i had in my left side housing and battery in the right housing ...
I am using a 1000 mah battery from old samsung mobile battery which fits perfectly in it....make sure it fits perfectly and dont push the speaker or touch the use old earphone (which works) to transfer battery power from right housing to bluetooth module in left housing ....
Add a switch which brings the bluetooth buttons near for easy access such as for turning bluetooth ON or OFF , and VOLUME switches...according to no.of buttons in your bluetooth module.....
Now connect bluetooth left and ground wires to the left speaker and use extra wires (old workable earphone) to transfer right speaker connection (both right and ground ) from left housing to right housing ....similarly as we have done for battery power transfer...
Step 5: Packing Everything
Now all connection are can power up before closing the headphone and check weather evert thing is we are going to use the female 3.5 mm jack which we had taken out from bluetooth module and fix it at the hole in housing which is used to make an entry into housing .....and make a connection of left channel with left of bluetooth module and right channel with right of bluetooth module similarly for ground this process we can still use our headphone when bluetooth is low on battery....
Now secure all connections tightly...and making sure that you do same for charging the battery as we have done for buttons or use a li-on battery charging circuit which are very cheap and can kept in the right housing near the battery on in left housing all depend on the avaliable space ..
I had used a charging circuit and kept in near the all is done...we can close our headphone and put your earpads back on it.....
Step 6: Enjoy Music Non Stop for 4-5 Days Backup
Now you are set to enjoy your music wirelessly from your turning on bluetooth of both ....your mobile and bluetooth uses very less power...and i had put a 1000 mah battery it gives me a back up of full week as normal use ...if i continously it non gives a backup of 3-4 days...and i am sure No bluetooth headphone or earphone gives this much friend enjoy your MUSIC NON STOP.....