Introduction: Bluetooth RC Vehicle Controller

About: thanks

This instructable will show how to create your own Bluetooth controller for an RC vehicle.

This instructable is also referenced by another instructable that creates an RC Vehicle:

Step 1: Overview

Parts List
H-Bridge from ebay: $1.23

Bluetooth Serial Adapter HC-05, 4 pin $6

Power Supply: $1.00

Pcb from $1.45 (in packs of 10)
See attached .zip file.

Arduino with bootloader

10k resistor in packs of 50 $0.02

16 mhz clock $0.09 in packs of 20

Female header $0.15 in packs of 10

male header $0.07 in packs of 10

screw terminals $0.12 in packs of 20

programmer: $3.55

female to male jumper wires (for programmer ) $1.00

Total: $15 when buying some parts in packs

Tools List:
Soldering iron
Angle wire cutter or scissors (to cut the female headers)

1. Solder together the parts
a. LM2956 power supply
1. Solder 2 screw terminals to the + and - input of the LM2956 power supply
2. Solder 2 single female headers to the output
b. pcb
1. Solder in the 26 pin socket for the atmega 328
2. Solder in the 16 mhz clock, and the 10k resistor
3. Solder in 2 male headers for the power supply (Insert them in the female posts of the power supply first)
4. Cut 2x6 pin female headers, and 1x4pin female header, and 1x1 pin female header
5. Solder in the female headers per photo

2. Put the units together
3. Download arduino ide from
4. Install the windows driver for the cp2102 (attached)
5. Program the atmega 328 with the attached .ino
a. With your female to male jumper wires connect female to cp2102 programmer, connect the male ends to the pcb per diagram
b. Connect the programmer to the computer and determine which comport it is assigned by using device manager
c. Select the comport
6. Connect components
a. Bluetooth receive and hbridge connect directly to pcb
b. Power supply connects to pcb via male/female headers
c. Jumper wire goes from positive (+) battery output to hbridge input

Step 2: Power Supply

Two female headers are soldered at the output terminals and 2 screw terminals are soldered to the input terminals

Step 3:

1. Solder in the 26 pin socket for the atmega 328
2. Solder in the 16 mhz clock, and the 10k resistor
3. Solder in 2 male headers for the power supply (Insert them in the female posts of the power supply first)
4. Cut 2x6 pin female headers, and 1x4pin female header, and 1x1 pin female header
5. Solder in the female headers per photo

Step 4: Adjust the Power Output, Then Put the Pieces Together.

Connect a 7V-12V power supply to the input screw terminals and use the adjust screw on the power supply to adjust the power output to 5V.

Then connect the pieces together.

Male pins on the HC-05 adapter connect to the pcb

Female pins on the power supply connect to the male pins n the pcb

The male pins on the h-bridge connect to the 6 pin female header on the pcb

Step 5: Finishing Steps

4. Install the windows driver for the cp2102 (attached)
5. Program the atmega 328 with the attached .ino
a. With your female to male jumper wires connect female to cp2102 programmer, connect the male ends to the pcb per diagram
b. Connect the programmer to the computer and determine which comport it is assigned by using device manager
c. Select the comport

d. Add SoftwareServo to your Arduino library

e. Select Duemilanove as output type of board

f. Upload the sketch to the atmega328

Step 6: Final Thoughts

This Bluetooth controller will be used by another instructable.

You can send the .zip file to for your own copy of the pcb, or you can modify the pcb using Eagle which is a free cad program.

You can also email me for a free copy of the pcb, or you can order the entire kit as parts or I can assemble it fr you.

Please contact me if you have any comments: