Introduction: Bluetooth Wall-e Speaker
Re-packing an old Creative I-Trigue 2.1 speaker that has been collecting dust and not being used because the wiring is just a mess. I was wondering on how I can repack this speaker and add a bluetooth receiver get away with all the wires and make it easy to use so even the kids can use it with their tablet device. From here begun the wall-e design.
Step 1: Recycle an Old Speaker
Make sure the speaker still works, take apart the speaker carefully not to break any components, get everything that can be re-used, carefully inspect all components and see if it will fit in the wall-e design.
Step 2: Parts List
- Creative I-Trigue 2.1 3300 Speaker System (Note: it does not have to be the same speaker)
- Amazon Bluetooth 4.0 Receiver - $21.99 (Note: This unit can only support one connection, you may want to look for other unit that can support multiple connections)
- 2X4 MDF plywood - $9.95
- Yellow Spray Paint - $3.87
- Silver Spray Paint - Same price with Yellow Color
- Vinyl Tape
- Screw sets (try to reuse old ones as this will give more rustic look)
Step 3: Tools
- Drill
- Jig Saw
- Miter Saw (Useful for cutting the tracks)
- Circular Saw
- Hammer and
- Screw Driver
Step 4: Design the Speaker Box
The design will almost be the same as the original box but we are going to increase it a little bit to accommodate the power supply.
The original speaker size is 9"x9"x9" and this can only fit the internal circuitry, the power supply is 2" and 1/2. So I expanded the box to 12"x12"x12" this will have an extra overhead and that is perfect for additional storage.
Step 5: Box Assembly
Using a circular saw cut the MDF into 7 pieces with sizes below:
- 4 - 12"x12"x12" (Top/Bottom/Front/Back)
- 3 - 11"x11"x11" (Sides Left/Right)
Assemble the board but leave the top and back portion. Use wood glue and then a nail gun to secure the joints. Using the same measurements on the old speaker position the middle board at 9" from the base.
Use the old speaker to make a circular template for the sub woofer and the air vent. Cut the hole using the jig saw.
Retrieve the circuit board base plate and position it on the base with the power supply, adjust the plate accordingly and put it close by the air vent.
Drill a hole on the middle board, this will be used in running the speaker wires.
Since I am adding a bluetooth module I am also going to need access to a power so I drilled another one close by the edge.
Step 6: Setting Up the Internal Components
Figure out a way to mount the power supply, in my case I placed 2 MDF strips on the base secured by 2 screw drivers and a glue then secured it with a metal wire, you can also use a zip tie.
Mount the circuit board and connect all the wirings. Since I am going to need an external power supply, I had to break the adaptors 120v line and tap a socket connection, make sure to do this properly since you will be closing the box and will not have easy access to this later. Secure the tap with a solder and use proper insulation. When all connections are done attach the back board and secure it with a glue and nail gun.
Attach the top board using a small door hinge on one of the side.
Cover any components/wires and prep the box for sanding, clean the board and apply the yellow paint. Let it dry properly while we start the building the head.
Step 7: Building the Head
Check out some wall-e photo and make a paper template thats proportional to the size of the box. Use two speaker as an eye (left and right speaker). Measure the speaker and drill a hole to accommodate it, do not mount the speakers yet. Once the eye is stable enough to be mounted then test it and make sure it is proportional to the box, if not then you may have to cut another set, if all is good then cover the top, I used an aluminum sign sheet, you can use plastic or other hard material that can be bend and secured with the board. I used a screw to make it look realistic, spray paint it with silver or metallic color.
Step 8: Building the Hand
The hands are composed or scrap woods and small hinges.
- The main block is 3"
- The pipe is 6"
Again make sure the size is proportional to the box. You can build the hands in many different ways since it does not have to be an exact replica. Paint the hands with silver (except for the pipe)
Step 9: Build the Track
This can be done in many ways and can vary depending on the cut so i don't have any measurements on this. Create a template for a track either a triangle or flat design drill a hole for the speaker and paint it accordingly, I used a black rubber paint that I had lying around to add to some effects. Secure everything with a glue and nail gun.
Step 10: Assembly
Secure the track by using 4 screw drivers, then secure the arm using a bolt.
Step 11: Wiring
I used an RJ-11 junction box to connect all the speaker wires coming from the head and the track. Attach the bluetooth receiver and set the speaker volume control around 90 to 95%.
Step 12: Build a Face Plate
I was looking around for a while for a metal plate that I can reuse but was not able to find one so I built it from scrap wood instead. The design is almost the same, I created a grove to mimic connected plates, painted it silver and attached it using old screws.
When all is done and set for the parts and paint has been fully dried its time to put in the other details. I used a vinyl tape instead of a paint for easier application and if in the future I will be able to add metal corners then it is easier to remove the vinyl.