Introduction: Bluetooth48G - Upcycle Broken Hp48G Keyboard
A guided upcycle project for a broken hp48.
Reuse the keyboard and make it work as a bluetooth keyboard for your phone or/and PC.
It works great with EMU48 on Android phones and on Windows.
See it working on a demo video (youtube):
Step 1: Opening the Hp48 - Testing the Hp48 Keyboard
Please check out my priour project:
The keyboard is very sensitive, even with low currency (to not damage the key pressing mechanism).
Step 2: Bluetooth Modul
I used for this project:
* Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit AF3406.
* compatible battery (see Adafruit Manual)
* a lot of wires - better you have different colors
Step 3: Program Code (Arduino)
Code was creaded and uploaded with Arduino IDE over USB.
Your need to pair the keyboard with your computer/mobile phone.
No additional driver is needed.
Step 4: Soldering the Wires.
Additional 1MOhn resistors are used to prevent signal noise.
Connecting my keyboard was very tricky: I used bended springs of pens for the connectors - maybe you have a better idea.
Have a nice time building your own keyboard.