Introduction: Boogie-Go Water Craft

About: I like to tinker and build things that seem fun to do.
Here is a fun project that didn't take a whole lot of time or money.  You take a boogie board and add a submersible bildge pump or water pump with batteries and make a fun pool water craft.  Check out the video.

Step 1: Parts and Tools

Boogie Board
Bildge Pump  I used 1200 GPH      MUST BE A SUBMERSIBLE PUMP
Waterproof Switch (Momentary on, or Switch on)
Batteries (2 6v 5 amp wired in series with switch)
PVC pipe and a couple fittings 1/2 inch sch40.  refer to pic for type.
Large Plastic Ties
Quick Steel
Marine Sealant

Dremmel, Soldering kit, wire cutters, BRAINS

Step 2:

Take the Pump and Quick steel one end of the steering control piece to the pump.

Step 3:

Cut the 1/2 inch pvc pipe to the debth of the board.  You want it a tiny bit longer so it will spin once you tighten the control steering pieces together.

Step 4:

Take the 1/2 inch Coupler to female threaded pipe fitting and Quick steel the other steering control piece to the coupler side.

Step 5:

It should look like this when completed.

Step 6:

You can now install onto Boogie board.  You may want to drill a small hole for the wires to run from the pump up through the board to the top of the board for wiring.  I ran mine on the outside part of the hole.  I'm not worried because the board is styrofoam.  It will not wear the coating off the wires.

Step 7:

Here is what it will look like on the bottom and top view.

Step 8:

Attaching the batteries to board with large zip ties.  I zipped them pretty tight to hold them firmly.

Step 9:

I added some extra PVC pipe for board support.  You may not need this.  I used the same type of large zip ties.

Step 10:

This is the wiring stage of the project.  Please look at the picture with yellow description boxes for visual understanding.

Step 11:

I added this as an extra step to explain that you need a marine grade silicon sealant to cover and protect all electrical connections.  MAKE SURE YOU COVER ALL EXPOSED ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS PERFECTLY.  DO NOT SKIMP ON SILICON.