Introduction: Book Reading Ring

About: Born as a farmer, studied electronics ,working as a Consultant and a 3D printing enthusiast by night..

This ring will help you hold a book in one hand while you enjoy a hot cup of tea/coffee with the other hand. So 3D print the STL file attached, which matches your thumb size and pick up your favorite Novel and read in bed comfortably without straining your thumb.

In addition you can add the 3D printed part to your key chain as shown in the picture above and carry the ring when you’re out and about, say you’re at the pool trying to catch some sun, while reading and enjoying a cold beverage.

Attached are 3 sizes of the ring in step 3 of the ible for you to select from.

Step 1: 3D Print STL File to Match Your Thumb

Download the 3D printing software that you printer supports, in my case i am using the Printrbot Simple Metal which use Repetier-Host as a software to

  • Slice the STL files attached,which basically means cutting the part into various layers
  • And send commands to the 3D printer while printing

In my case I am using the following filaments

Note: the zip file attached in the next step contains 3 sizes, a good idea is to print a couple of sizes files and decide on which one best works for you.

Step 2: Determine You Thumb Finger Size

If you plan to print the exact size instead of printing all of them, use a ruler or a Vernier caliper as shown in the picture above.

While approximating the size/diameter of your thumb, hold the ruler above the joint of your thumb.

Step 3: STL Files

Based on approximate measurement in the previous step, select the file to print

Small - 16mm in diameter

Medium – 19 mm

Large – 22mm

Note: the ring measurement above,is something that I came up by randomly sampling folks at home and some friends ..Please leave a comment if you are looking for a specify size and I will upload a STL file with the size.