Introduction: Bottle Cap Magnet Set
I have been saving bottle caps for almost a year and now I have enough to start doing some really cool crafts. Here is one that doesn't take a year of collecting to do but still has a great unique result.
Step 1: Supplies
Here is what you will need to make your own bottle cap magnets
bottle caps - don't forget to give them a quick cleaning first
paint - I used acrylic paint, but I have also seen people use nail polish as well
magnet - I used one of the magnets that I got free in the mail. These magnets are easy to cut up and use for a variety of crafts
foam - or anything that will raise the back of the magnet past the rim of the bottle cap.
glue - rubber cement worked great for me
I was able to find everything around my house so I spent $0.00 for extra supplies. (not counting buying the drinks the bottle caps came from)
Step 2: Paint Your Bottle Cap
Use your acrylic paint to create your own unique design on your bottle cap.
1. Start by painting a base coat on the cap - This will help hide any of the letters or colors underneath. You might need to paint a couple coats to completely cover the logo on the bottle cap
2. Then paint on your design - use polka dots, stripes, make your own set of alphabet magnets. Anything would look great.
Option 2 - If your design is too detailed to paint or over your skill level I recommend doing a print out of the design, then modge podging it onto the bottle cap
NOTE: to get a glossy finish. You may want to add a final a polyurethane clear coat once you are done with the design.
Step 3: Measure and Cut Out the Foam and Magnet
As the bottle cap is drying, you can use this time to cut out your foam and magnet
1. Measure the area so you cut your foam correctly - The foam should fit easily into the bottle cap while pushing the magnet slightly past the edge of the bottle cap rim
2. Cut out the foam needed
3. Cut the magnet out if needed - Depending on what magnet you use, you might need to cut it from the larger magnet. Make sure the size of the magnet isn't larger than the size of the foam you use.
Step 4: Glue Foam and Magnet to Bottle Cap
This is pretty easy. Its time to put all the pieces together.
The foam I used had one sticky side so it was easy to put the magnet and foam together. To glue the foam to the bottle cap I used rubber cement.
Leave your bottle cap to let the glue dry
Step 5: Complete!
When the glue dries, you can use your new magnets to hang whatever you want on a metal surface. My awesome bottle cap magnets are now hanging out on my fridge!