Introduction: Bottle Top ,door Stopper,with Glue and a Bottle Lid

About: I am new to instructables so please bare with me at times , will be much appreciated .love music & playing guitar love crossbow,s enjoy making things out of nothing up for new challenges, ie projects. car…

hi everybody

you will need

top of any size bottle

glue gun

utility knife

double sided tape

or make the tape by doubling it

i use duct tape.,,

Step 1: Remove Lid,and Fill With Glue..,


so you have removed the lid

clean the lid.,,

now when your glue gun is hot enough

try and fill the lid without stopping

once the lid is 1cm over the top of the lid

carefuly move it to the fridge

dont worry if it looks all over the place.

this can be sorted out after it comes from the fridge

leave it in the fridge for half hour or so

Step 2: Trim the Glue Off

now grab your utility knife

and slowly cut the excess glue

run the knife around the edge of the lid

cut what bits you dont want off

Step 3: Double Sided Tape.,

pull the length of tape you want and double it

then roll the very end of your tape

then press together

Step 4: It Should Look Like This..

one side sticky the other your chosen tape

Step 5: Glue the Lid

now grab some glue

find the centre of your tape

put a fair bit of glue to the bottom of the lid

then press onto the tape

hold a few mins

Step 6: Finish,..

now press it onto your chosen wall

and wala

one door stop

stop worrying about the back of the door as now you have