Introduction: Bowl Holder
This tutorial will show you how to make a simple bowl holder for your dog or cat
Step 1: Gather the Necessary Materials and Tools
Material: 2 Lengths .125" Steel
Tools: Wire Cutters, 30-Degree Wedge, Parallel Clips, Wire
Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Skill Level: Medium
Step 2: Bend Some Wire
Turn the wire upwards 30 degrees immediately after each of the two short lengths have been bent; we cut a 30-60-90 wedge out of foam core but you could also use a laser cut or 3D printed part...or even just eyeball it.
Step 3: Finish Bending
You'll end up with two rotated halves and a dodecagonal base.
Step 4: Assemble
Clip them together using some 3D printed or purchased parallel clips.
Step 5: Find a Bowl
Place a bowl that fits snug, put in some treats and let your dog enjoy it!