Introduction: Box of Wine Costume

About: Former Instructables employee CHECK OUT MY WORK
Looking for an Epic but Easy costume to make for Halloween? The Box of Wine Halloween Costume will make you the life of the party...LITERALLY. This costume is a fully functional wine dispenser. Just turn the spout and you've got drinks for the whole party!

You can make this costume in a day and best of all the cost is approx. $15-$20, depending on what materials you have it could be more or less.

Step 1: Materials

Materials and Tools
  1. Cardboard: cut two pieces that are 36" x 24" and one piece that is 20" x 16"
  2. Cardboard: a few extra pieces for structural reinforcement
  3. Paper - 28 sheets for printing, approx. 20 for other stuff
  4. Glue Gun
  5. Staple Gun
  6. Color Printer
  7. Scissors
  8. Paper Cutter - if you don't have one you can use scissors, but it is helpful when you are printing out your graphics
  9. Tape - clear scotch tape
  10. X-acto Knife
  11. Yardstick
  12. Pencil

Step 2: Build Box


I sketched out the basic structure of my box in my notebook to start. It is a really simple design.

Dimensions of Sides (5 sides: front, back, side 1, side2, top)
  • Front and Back: 20" x 24"
  • Sides: 16" x 24"
  • Top: 16" x 20"
Dimensions of Cutouts: to make this as easy as possible I cut out 3 pieces of cardboard
  • (1) Top: 16" x 20"
  • (2) Front and Side 1: 36" x 24". You will bend this piece parallel to the 24" side, so there will be a bend along the 36" side making one side of the bend 16" x 24" (side 1) and the other side 20" x 24"
  • (3) Back and Side 2: 36" x 24". You will bend this piece parallel to the 24" side, so there will be a bend along the 36" side making one side of the bend 16" x 24" (side 1) and the other side 20" x 24"
Arm Hole Cut Out
  • Cut a 9.25" diameter hole in the center of the Top piece.
  • Cut a 5.25" diameter hole in the center of the Side pieces (16" side of the bended cardboard) that is approx. 2.25 inches from the top.

  • With the two 36" x 24" pieces bent at a 90 degree angle, bring them together to form a box. Attach the sides that are touching with tape to temporarily hold them in place.
  • Hot glue the taped sides together (remove tape when you do this). Using a glue gun, glue all the way down the sides on the inside AND outside of the box.
  • Form maximum durability I added some support to the corners with extra pieces of cardboard. See the last two images below. I adhered the supports using a glue gun, then reinforced it using a staple gun.

Step 3: Printing Graphics

I used some Photoshop magic to create all the panels of the Franzia graphic so it would fit perfectly on the box. I have attached the files so you can easily print out the image on 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper. These images only work for the dimensions of this box (16" x 20" x 24"). I also included the .jpg files if you do not have photoshop. The first 6 .jpg files are for the front/back, the next 6 .jpg files are for the two sides, and the last 4 .jpg files are for the top.

There are 3 photoshop files which contain the graphics for the sides, front, back and top. The graphics for the front/back are the same, the graphics for the sides are the same, and the graphics for the top is just for the top.

Print Settings: remember these settings for the Printing Layers Section.
  • FRONT/BACK: print in landscape layout
  • SIDES: print in portrait layout
  • TOP: print in landscape layout
Printing Layers: you will be individually print out each layer in each document, here is how you set this up
  • Hide all of the layers except for the one you are printing.
  • Each layer has an image on it. Here is the size of the image for the sides of the box:
    • FRONT/BACK: 10" x 8". There are 6 layers total -> which means you will be printing out 6 sheets to make the graphic for the front and 6 sheets to make the graphic for the back.
    • SIDES: 8" x 8". There are 6 layers total -> which means you will be printing out 6 sheets to make the graphic for each side.
    • TOP: 10" x 8". There are 4 layers total -> which means you will be printing out 4 sheets to make the graphic for the top.
  • Make sure each graphic is centered before you print
  • There is an extra layer that is filled in grey. Keep this visible when you print so you can easily cut out each image.
  • Start printing!

Step 4: Assemble Graphic

Since I am printing out the graphics for the sides of the Franzia box on several sheets, I wanted to make sure the image was a crisp as possible. Basically, when I taped the images together to make one large image I didn't want gaps between the pages. I figure out a really good way to do this that involved taping mostly on the back of the images (as opposed to the front where everyone could see it). This worked out really well...people in my office even thought the box of wine costume was a real box printed by the Franzia company which was pretty awesome!

Cut Images: cut off grey edged to cut images out. I used a paper cutter to make this really easy, but you can also use scissors.

  • Cut the blank pieces of computer paper in half so you have some strips of plain white paper.
  • For the front of the box there are 6 images that are put together to make the large image with two columns and 3 rows. I taped the two images in each row together and then taped the three rows together. Do the same thing for the back, sides and top.
  • TO TAPE: tape the two images in each row to one of the strips of white paper. Only tape on the backside. I added a few SMALL pieces of tape on the front side to keep everything aligned
  • Use this same technique to attach the rows together

Step 5: Add Graphics to Box

Prep the Box: I added strips of white paper to the edges of the box so none of the brown cardboard showed through.

Taping Images Down

Once you have the graphic printed out, attach it to the sides using tape and glue. This is pretty straight forward.
  • First I attached the top edges of the image using tape. Then I tacked a few points of the graphic down with glue. Then I taped the bottom of the image to the bottom of the box using tape.
  • Once the image is on make sure EVERY edge is taped down. You don't want pieces of paper sticking out b/c it could easily get snagged and ripped.
Cut Arm/Head Holes
  • From the inside of the box cut out the arm and leg holes using scissors or an exacto knife.
  • Tape down the edges of the holes.

Step 6: Just Add Wine

I thought and thought about how to attach the bag of wine and decided it would be the most practical to use the body of the person wearing the costume to help support the weight of the wine.

Fanny Pack
To do this I took out the bag of wine from the box-of-wine box and put it in a fanny pack. You can also put it in a backpack and wear the backpack on your front.

All you need to do is cut a hole in the bottom of the fanny pack. The hole should be large enough that the spout and 1" of the wine bag can stick out.

Cut Box
Cut out a square in the box that is about 1.75" x 2". The square should be located in the center of the front of the costume at about 5" from the bottom (this may change depending on your heigh and where the fanny pack sits on your waist).

Step 7: Put on Costume

  • Put on Fanny Pack w/ wine inside
  • Put on Box
  • Pull the spout on the wine back through the hole in the box.