Introduction: Breadboard Friendly Tactile Switches

As most of you have experienced, the good old standard tactile switch is really difficult to mount on a breadboard. This is because the pins are so thin. Even with the pins straightened, they sometimes do not make contact, or just keeps on bending trying to insert then onto the breadboard.

Step 1: Parts Needed

You will need the following spares:

Tactile switches

Piece of vero board/proto board

Pin headers

2 female headers

Step 2: Making the Base

Cut a small piece of vero board into a 5x4 matrix as shown.

Step 3: Add the Tactile Switch to the Base

Insert the tactile switch onto the base.

I like to bend over the pins to ensure the switch is flush with the board.

Solder the switch to the base.

Step 4: Soldering the Header Pins

Cut two pieces of pins, so that each piece have 2 pins.

Using long nose pliers, push the pins flush with the plastic.

Insert the pins into the base.

Use the female headers to keep the pins aligned during soldering.

I used Prestik to hold the assembly during soldering.

Solder the header pins to the base.

The final step is to solder a bridge across the pins and switch connections.

Step 5: Using Your Switches

Simply connect one side of to the switch to the common rails (red or black) of your breadboard. Now only one wire is needed to connect your tactile switch to your circuit.

I hope this was helpfull.
