Introduction: 10 Favourite Camp Breakfast Recipes

About: Life 2.95 achieved! Former teacher and college instructor currently enjoying my workshop, outdoor cooking, traveling and camping, woodworking, rebuilding small vintage campers, steampunk crafts and mods, and f…

I am posting several of my favourite breakfast recipes that I often make while camping. All are tested, well used, simple and quick to make breakfasts ... over a campfire or with a single or double burner camp stove. You will need one or two fry pans and some foil. You may need to adapt a wee bit depending on your camping set up. Prep in steps and enjoy the early morning and your coffee. These recipes have been inspired by many and adapted to be enjoyed by all who have joined us for coffee and breakfast.

The ingredients have been reduced and are listed for 2 servings. I have used a couple of images from google for some of the recipes.

Step 1: Egg in the Hole

Egg in the Hole .... Recipe No. Georgian BK1

Ingredients: For 2 servings

  • 2 Slices of Bread
  • 2 Eggs
  • A dab of Butter
  • Salt and pepper


While drinking coffee, put butter (or margarine) in a skillet; tear out a ring in the bread (or use a drinking glass to press out a hole for the egg). Begin frying/grilling the bread. Crack open an egg and place it in the center of the bread. Grill and flip both sides. About 3 minutes each side.

Notes / Suggestions:

Try topping the egg with finely sliced green onion or grated cheese before flipping. Serve with bacon or a slice of ham and salsa.

Then go for a walk with the dog and enjoy the sunrise.

Step 2: Broccoli & Cheese Scramble

Broccoli & Cheese Scramble .... Recipe No. Georgian BK2


  • Broccoli
  • Cheddar Cheese
  • Milk
  • Salt & pepper
  • Eggs


Boil or sauté broccoli with a bit of onion. Set aside. Prepare a cheese sauce by heating milk and grated cheese in a small pot. Scramble up your eggs in the fry pan and just before they are done fold in the broccoli and cheese sauce into the eggs. Stir and cook until your desired consistency. Serve and enjoy


Shake in a small amount of bacon bits into the Cheese Sauce. Or try adding a pinch of cayenne pepper. Serve with toast and hash browns. Although I have not tried it, I might use asparagus in place of broccoli.

Step 3: Bacon Hash in Foil Breakfast

Favourite Camping Breakfast ... Recipe No. Georgian BK3


  • Bacon or ham
  • Hot sauce
  • Hash brown potatoes
  • Salt & pepper
  • Onion or bell pepper
  • Eggs


Place 4 - 6 strips of cooked and crumbled bacon on a large piece of Aluminum foil and cover the bacon with a large handful of cooked hash brown potatoes. Cut 2 rings of sweet onion or bell pepper and place on top of potatoes. Crack an egg into each ring. Put hot sauce or cheese on eggs, salt and pepper. Wrap foil securely and place in coals or on a preheated bbq.

Takes about 10 minutes to cook.

Notes Suggestions:

The picture above shows the bacon and potato prepped from the evening before. The pepper rings, eggs and cheese will be added the next morning. Do not refrigerate or preheat the foil packet before adding the eggs.

Substitute ham for the bacon. Use leftover cooked potato from a previous meal. I have used the 3 X 5 foil baking dishes. Great for individual size.

Step 4: Three-Cheese Potatoes Recipe (adapted From Taste of Home for 2)

Three-Cheese Potatoes ..... Recipe Recipe No. Georgian BK4


· 2 medium potatoes, cut into cubes or thin slices

· 1 small onion, chopped

· 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese

· 1 teaspoon minced chives

· salt & pepper

· 1 tablespoon margarine

· handful crumbled cooked bacon

· 1/4cup shredded mozzarella cheese

· 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese


1. Combine the first six ingredients directly on a double thickness of greased heavy-duty foil (about 18 in. square). Dot with butter.

2. Fold foil around potato mixture and seal tightly. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 15-18 minutes on each side or until potatoes are tender.

3. Carefully open foil. Sprinkle the bacon cheeses over potato mixture. Grill 3-5 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Open foil carefully to allow steam to escape. Yield: 2 servings. Serve with fried eggs.

Step 5: Campfire French Toast

Campfire French Toast ..... Recipe No. Georgian BK5


· 2 bread slices

· 1 egg

· 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

· powdered sugar

· maple syrup


Mix egg and cinnamon in bowl and cover or dip bread with mixture. Place bread in a buttered frying pan over campfire or camp stove and fry until golden brown. Top with powdered sugar and maple syrup. Consider topping with a spoonful of canned or mixed fruit.

Notes / Suggestions: Wow. Try using raisin bread.

Step 6: ​Breakfast in a Pan

Breakfast in a Pan ..... Recipe No. Georgian BK6


2 leftover cold boiled (or baked) potatoes

3 tablespoons of margarine

1/2 cup ham pieces (or crumbled sausage)

4 fresh eggs

salt and pepper


Slice the potatoes. Melt the margarine in the largest frying pan that you have. Brown the potato slices and ham pieces, stirring gently. Sprinkle the potato slices with salt and pepper. In a small bowl scramble the eggs. Pour the eggs into the frying pan with the rest of the ingredients. Stir until the eggs are set. Serve hot with toast or a bagel.

Step 7: Toast With Avocado and Egg

7. Toast With Avocado and Egg .... Recipe No. Georgian BK7


  • 2 slices of whole-grain bread
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • salt & pepper


Toast or fry bread. I fry the bread with both sides being pre-buttered. Top with smashed avocado and salt and pepper to taste and then each slice with a fried, flipped or sunny-side-up egg.

Step 8: Fruit, Granola and Yogurt Parfait

Fruit, Granola and Yogurt Parfait ..... Recipe No. Georgian BK8


  • Vanilla or plain yogurt
  • Selection of soft fruit (blue berries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, peaches etc)
  • Granola
  • Raisins, walnuts


Need I say? Layer as you wish.

Step 9: Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast Burritos ..... Recipe No. Georgian BK9


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • salsa, shredded cheddar cheese and green or red peppers
  • sour cream


Scramble the eggs and wrap with other ingredients in a soft tortilla. Consider adding a bit of cooked and crumbled bacon or ham to the eggs.

Suggestions: Pre-warm the tortilla.

Step 10: Camp Style Eggs Benedict

Camp style Eggs Benedict ..... Recipe No. Georgian BK10


  • Hollandaise sauce ingredients or one instant package
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 English muffins (sliced)
  • slices of ham ( or pea meal bacon or smoked salmon)
  • slices of red onion
  • spinach (optional)


Prepare the sauce from the instant packet or from scratch using egg yolks, lemon juice and butter. Have the sauce ready to go before continuing.

Toast the sliced English muffins and fry or rewarm the ham. Fry the eggs so that the yolk remains runny. Top each of the muffin slices with a slice of ham, an egg, a slice of red onion and/or a wee bit of spinach followed by a generous ladle of Hollandaise sauce.