Introduction: Build Arduino in Less Then 2$
Here we will build a low cost arduino using Atmega328 ic on bread board steps involved is given below step by step
Step 1: Essential Requirement
1. Atmega IC (Atmega328/8/16) (Pre programmed Blink LED by Arduino Uno Board )
2.Toggle Button 1
3. Capactior (22pF*2 )
4. LED
6. Resistors (10K & 1K)
Other Requirement
1. Breadboard
2. Power supply
If supply is not 5v (between 5v-30v)
1 7805 IC
2. Capacitor (10uF*2)
3. wires
Step 2:
Here as given in circuit diagram
1. connect 16Mhz crystal between pin 9 and pin 10
2. Connect 22uF capacitor with pin 9 & pin 10 to ground
3. Connect pin 7 & Pin 20 to +5v
4. Connect pin8 & Pin22 to Ground
5. Connect 10K resistor Pin1 to +5v
6. Connect Toggle button between Pin1 to Ground
7. Connect Led with 1K resistor between Pin19 and Ground
8. connect A 5v power supply to Breadboard
Now the