Introduction: Enhanced Bus Experience for Visually Impaired People With Arduino and 3D Printing

How can public transport commute be made simpler for persons with impaired vision?

Real time data on map services is often unreliable while availing public transportation.This can add to the challenge of commuting for visually impaired individuals. The proposed system allows a user to select the route they intend to travel at the station, by pushing a 3D printed button with numeric and Braille embossing. An immediate audio feedback is provided to the user to inform that the input was successfully registered. We incorporated color coded LEDs to inform the driver of the approaching vehicle that the service is requested by someone with special needs. As soon as the vehicle enters the terminal, the driver can trigger an audio notification using a mobile app that the vehicle has arrived and can make sure that the commuter is able to avail the service.


  1. Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit and Micro USB cable
  2. Breadboard
  3. Jumper wires (Male to Male)
  4. 2 X Momentary button or Switch
  5. 4 X LEDs
  6. 6 X Resistors
  7. 3D printer and filament
  8. Arduino IDE
  9. Processing IDE
  10. Mobile phone running Android or iOS

Step 1: Follow the Schematic to Connect the Electronic Components.

Step 2: Resize and 3D Print the Button Caps for the Momentary Button or Switches Using the Given (.stl) Files

Step 3: Setup the Adafruit Feather NRF52 Bluefruit and Arduino IDE. Place the (.ino) and (.cpp) File in the Same Folder. Upload the (.ino) File to the Board.

Step 4: Download and Setup Processing. Open the (.pde) File and Add the Audio Files to the Data Folder of the Sketch.

Step 5: Download and Install the Bluefruit LE Connect App.

Step 6: Operation

  1. Connect the Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit using a Micro USB cable to the laptop. Run the processing (.pde) file.
  2. Press the desired button to register request for a particular route. An audio should be played and a LED must light up.
  3. Connect the mobile app to the board using Bluetooth. Select Controller and press a key on the numeric keypad to indicate arrival of vehicle. The current LED will turn off and another LED will light up temporarily with an audio feedback.

Step 7: ​Future Scope

We would like to incorporate features to calculate real-time estimated time of arrival using GPS querying, connecting a dedicated audio module for feedback, use of an LED screen instead of LEDs for display of requests, and an automation to trigger arrival of vehicle using GPS matching or RFID sensing.