Introduction: Build L293D Dual Motor Driver Board for Arduino
Hello Instructables enthusiasts...
Nowadays buying the boards for the projects is very expensive.. But it can be construct at very low cost.
I required L293D dual H-Bridge motor driver board for my next instructables .
So, to save bucks for my next project I constructed L293D driver board.
In this Instructables ,there is detail content to construct L293D driver board.
Step 1: Components
L293D IC -1
16 pin IC socket -1
PCB -1
Terminal Blocks -3
Male Header pins -4
IC7805 -1
Hookup Wire - 0.5m
Diode- 1N4007 -4
Soldering Iron
Screw Driver
Step 2: Construction
- Place Arduino board or print of Arduino on PCB to mark its Dimensions and screwing holes
- After Marking Dimensions , cut it accordingly
- Now insert 16pin IC socket at center of he PCB
- Insert Male header pins on both side of IC socket by some distance
- Insert Terminal blocks on top,left and right side of the ic socket.
- Insert IC 7805 below the top terminal block(above the IC socket)
- Solder all the Components.
Step 3: Circuit
- Short 1,9,16 pins.
- Short 4,5,12,13 pins.
- Connect 2,7 to each header pins of that side respectively.
- Connect 15,10 to each header pins of that side respectively.
- Connect 3,6 pins of IC socket to terminal blocks through Diodes,such that voltage flows from IC to the motor only.
- Connect 3,6 pins of IC socket to terminal blocks through Diodes,such that voltage flows from IC to the motor only.
- Connect input pin of IC7805 to the +voltage input pin of the terminal block (which was above the ic socket).
- Connect Ground pin of IC7805 to the (-) ground pin of the terminal block (which was above the ic socket).
- Connect output pin of IC7805 to the 16th pin of ic Socket.
- Connect 4th pin of IC socket to ground pin of IC7805.
- Connect 8th pin of IC socket to the +voltage input pin of the terminal block (which was above the ic socket)
Step 4:
Solder all the connections carefully
After soldering the components, insert IC L293D into the socket.
Step 5: Construction Video
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