Introduction: Build a Cardboard Tank

My buddies and I were trying to think of something we could build out of cardboard and duct tape. We came up with a tank. It was a little more costly than originally estimated, but it was fun and the end result is amazing. It'll blow your friends away! This instructable will go through each step in the process, and hopefully you'll be able to build your very own tank for you to play in (or your kids/pets/neighbors/neighbor's cat to play in). BTW, please hit the vote button for the cardboard and duct tape contest!!!!

Step 1: Materials and Tools

For this job, all you really need is cardboard, duct tape (regular gray, dark gray, white, and black), and something to cut with (utility knife works great). We also used a few power tools along the way, just to speed the job up--they're not required. Also, get as much cardboard as you can get your hands on. We went to or called every appliance store in town begging for cardboard. Ask for fridge boxes, washer/dryer boxes, anything big works great. Also, be sure to ask for the extremely hard cardboard used to protect the corners of the appliances. These are a must in a first couple steps. And, as for the duct tape, I think we ended up using about 60 rolls.

Step 2: Build the Frame

Take those tough corner pieces, the strong tubes, the duct tape and start putting it together. We cut slots in the tubes to help support the corner pieces, then wrapped the joint in duct tape in a X shape.

Step 3: Begin Adding the "Skin" and Other Supports

Once the frame is built, grab some of the fridge boxes and start piecing it all together. At this point, it doesn't look much like a tank at all, but remember, this is just the skeleton! You have to keep the vision in your mind. 

Step 4: Create the Turret and the Wheels

The turret is made the same way as the main body of the tank (frame and skin). The wheel are cardboard concrete forms used for footings in construction work. They are 16" in diameter, and 10" deep. There's 7 wheels per side.

Step 5: Tape It Up With the Colored Tape!

We were going for a snow camo look. And of course we wanted to do the new digital camo styling. So, we taped the whole body in white, the tracks and behind the wheels in cheap gray tape, the wheels were black with a white hub, and we used multiple shades of gray and black for the camo patterns.

Step 6: Go Have Fun With Your New Tank...

We took ours down a tube run. It was a blast.