Introduction: Build a Mini-Walking Bot

About: I'm an Electrical Engineer, Technical Book Author, and engineering education advocation.
Here's a simple project for sci-tech families. A Mini Walking Bot using a some ROBOTIX parts, PICXAXE microcontroller,and a Handy Cricket

Step 1: Building the Mini-Walking Bot. Here Are the Parts for Building the Bot

ROBOTIX parts for Mini Walking Robot (L) Elbow connectors, Wheel Foot(s), Arms (75mm), 2 Legged Walker, Drive Axle, and Low Speed Motor

Step 2: Attach the Drive Axle to the Low Speed Motor Shaft.

Attaching the Drive Axle to the Low Speed Motor

Step 3: Place the Low Speed Motor/Drive Axle on Top of the 2 Legged Walker

Attaching the Low Speed Motor/Drive Axle to the 2 Legged Walker

Step 4: Attach Elbow Connectors and Wheel Foots to (2) Arms

Building the Mini Walking Bot’s Back Legs

Step 5: Attach the Left Leg Part to the 2 Legged Walker

Attaching the left leg part to the 2 Legged Walker

Step 6: Attach the Right Leg Part to the 2 Legged Walker

Attaching the right leg part to the 2 Legged Walker

Step 7: Here’s the Final Assembled Mini-Walking Bot!

The completed Mini-Waking Bot!

Step 8: Build the Distributive Controller Using a PICAXE and a Handy Cricket

Step 9: The Mini-Waking Bot Distributive Controller (DC) Built Using a Radio Shack Electronics Learning Lab

Step 10: Attaching the DC to the Mini-Walking Bot Using the Power Cord