Introduction: Building an Indoor/Outdoor Tray & Table Centerpiece
This project is really practical for indoors and out and just in time for summer. It's a carrier, server, or tray - whatever you want to call it. It's a really simple build and not too many steps to it. Use it to carry food and drinks, serve condiments, or arrange things nicely.
Step 1: Materials
These are the cuts you'll need:
- 4 @ 1 3/4 x 3/4 - 19" long
- 4 @ 1 3/4 x 3/4 - 8" long
- 2 @ 3/4 x 3/4 - 17.5" long
- 9 @ 1 5/8 x 3/8 - 7" long
I'm using cedar, and this is the equivalent of 1x2s. However you could certainly use any wood you have on hand.
You'll also need:
- glue
- a drill
- screws
- a stapler
- staples
- rope
Step 2: Cutting
Now let's start with making our cuts. Since I was working with the size of 1x2s, I had do do some ripping to make the slats - Cut D, as well as the holders, cut B.
I also made my fine cuts inside, using a handsaw and a bench hook. At this point some boards were a touch uneven, so I used a plane to smoothen them down, however you could also use your sander.
Once all your pieces are cut and smooth, it's a good idea to do a dry fit to make sure all your cuts are right.
Next up, it's time to assemble.
Step 3: Assemble
With a countersink bit, pre-drill the boards that will be at the bottom - so two cut A & two cut C. Then glue and staple the first level together, making sure to stagger the wood. I'm using glue made for oily woods, since I'm building with cedar. Next, glue on the next level and drill connect the two levels with screws. This will be the bottom side.
Once the basic box is completed glue and nail on the support wood, cut B. This is what the slats will rest on. Lastly, glue and staple down the slats - cut D and arrange them uniformly.
Step 4: Finish
Now, sand the box down to make sure it's nice and smooth and finish it. I decided to go with spray lacquer here because it creates a really nice durable finish and it dries quickly.
Finally it's time to attach the rope handles. Cut the rope in half, make a knot, staple it to the box, and create two handles of good height. And you're done.
And then it's time to enjoy and use it. Carry drinks, serve food, display things, enjoy the summer. This is a really fun and simple project to make and would be great for indoors as well as outdoors.
Step 5: See the Video for More Info
See the Video for more Info...