Introduction: Bunny Tower


I never liked the houses that you can buy in pet stores, so I made up my own! I don't have a lot experience in working with wood, I bet you could do this more elegantly, this is just my approach =) It is very easy to do and you could even do it in one day!

Have fun bunny lovers!

Step 1:


4 x wooden panel spruce 800x400x16mm

1 x wooden panel spruce 800x400x18mm (I have used the 18mm thick wooden panel here, because I still had it left from a different project)

2 thin strips of wood, approx. 1cm thick, 1,2m long

16 metal brackets 30x30x10x2mm

64 screws 3,0x12mm

24 nails18mm

Dimensions for 2 opposing walls above

Step 2:

Dimensions of the 2 other opposing walls

Step 3:

Dimensions of the floors

Step 4:

Dimensions of doors and holes

These can obviously be varied, this is just a suggestion.

Step 5:

Dimension of small door

On one side I built just a very small door, because my Flora likes to squeeze under things =)

Step 6:

Arrangement of the doors and holes

These can also be varied, again just a suggestion.

Step 7:

When you are done with sawing, sanding the edges and having attached the wooden strips, you connect all

4 sides with the metal brackets. It should look like this from above.

ATTENTION! Depending in the length of the wooden strips it might not be possible to insert the first floor,
after you have connected all 4 walls. It is better to put in the first floor, before fixing the 4th wall. However, if you work with the same dimensions as I did, you will be able to insert the floor even after you have connected all 4 walls.

Step 8: Additional Pictures