Introduction: BusiCard

Busicard is an electronic business card.You can share a link to your personal or businness webpage or play a funny classic game.

This is the first version, so the size is not optimized yet to be like a card, but optimization will come....

Step 1: Materials & Tools


  • 3D printer
  • PCB maker

Step 2: Electronic

Use Fritzing to show the schematics and produce your PCB. After having the PCB you just have to solder the components like in the images.

NOTE: it should be modify to make the board a little smaller and separate the button connections a little bit. I will publish an update but in the meantime have that in mind :)

Step 3: 3D Printing

I have made the this really simple case. but it is just an example, you can use your prefered modelling program to modify the case and personalize with your name or whatever.

Step 4: SourceCode

Use the arduino IDE to upload the code and check that all works well. The game should look like the one in the video and when idle appears the QR code with the link to the webpage. You can modify the link inside the code, look for "qrCOde_bits"

NOTE: the game based on Breakout game from Rick Pannen (

Step 5: Put All Together and Enjoy