Introduction: BuskingBot - Arduino Drum Player Robot

About: Hi, I'm Eunchan Park from S.Korea. I have 3 missions Making Happy Things, Sharing How To Make Happy Things, Copying Happy Things Maker for the world's Happiness In order to pursue my mission, I have a big goal…

Youtube Demo

Step 1: Materials

A short story

My dream is to travel around the world and performing with robots. This robot will play a drum with me.

[ Parts and Tools]


[About the Maker]

Step 2: Download and Print 3d Parts

Step 3: Assembling OverView

Step 4: Assembling Arms

Use a hot melt gun.

Step 5: Assembling Body / Attaching Arduino Board and Bluethooth Inside It

Prepare parts and put together by using a hotmelt gun

Step 6: Connect Motors to Arduino Board.

Step 7: Download Arduino Code and Upload It Onto Your Arduino

Source Code:

  • For bluetooth play(Download this) - openBuskingBot_Serial_BT_Servo.ino
  • For Serial Communication (for test)- openBuskingBot_Serial_Servo.ino

Step 8: Assemble Arms to Body.

Use a screw driver and a hotmelt glue gun.

(optional) attach hand - it can make sound louder

Step 9: Application Test

Step 10: Click Devices

Step 11: Click Setting Icon

Step 12: Click "Scan" It Can Vary Based on Your Android Phone

Step 13: Find "HC-05" "HC-05" Is Name of the Bluetooth Model. It Can Vary Based on Your Bluetooth. in This Example, We Use HC Serise.

Step 14: Type Pincode 1234 ( If It Is Not Working, Try 0000)

Step 15: If Success, Back to the Application and Check the Bluetooth That You Selected.

Step 16: Terminal - Select "Connect Icon"

Step 17: Long Press a Button Written "M1"

Step 18: Saving Keys

This step is for saving charactor which will be sent to your robot from android. we can send the charactors by typing. This step can help you send message conveiently.

Step 19: DONE. Let's Play!