Introduction: Button Actuated Stepper Controller


Step 1: Circuit Design

Main component would be the stepper controller, which requires a pulse generator for stepper driver clock, and high/low for direction.

Looked around and found a Pulse Signal Generator for Stepper Motor , however did not wish to wait for shipping, so used a esp8266 to generate the pulses.

A toggle switch connected to 3.3v and Gnd would control the high/low for direction of the stepper driver.

The electronics would be enclosed in a box, interface would have a button to move the motor, a toggle switch to determine direction, DC jack to connect 12v power, and a 4 wire lead connector out to the Stepper Motor.

Step 2: BOM

TB6560 Stepper motor controller

D24V22F3 3.3V Step down module

ESP8266 for generating clock pulses

Gravity Push button (Green)

Toggle switch

General purpose box 98x145x54mm

AC Adapter 12v 2A supply

Component choices were due to availability as this was to be a quick project!

Step 3: Code

TB6560 Settings

1A Stepper current

  • SW1 OFF
  • SW2 ON
  • SW3 OFF
  • S1 OFF

20% stop current

  • S2 ON

Full step

  • S3 ON
  • S4 ON

0% decay setting

  • S5 OFF
  • S6 OFF

Pin Connections

  • NodeMCU D8 , ESP8266 15 to TB6560 CLK +
  • NodeMCU D5 , ESP826614 to box mounted Button
  • Toggle switch to CW+
  • Gnd to CW-
  • Gnd to CLK-

Code on the ESP8266 to function as a button actuated pulse generator:

This guide was referenced for TB6560 settings.

Step 4: Micro Stepping Table for Reference

This is to change the motor speed by switches.