Introduction: CAM Simulation in Fusion 360
For this week of assignment in MAT594X, I try to create toolpaths for a milling machine to create a iPhone holder. The library used for CNC simulation is the Autodesk Pier 9 CNC tool library in Fusion 360.
Step 1: Face Milling
After setting up the box size and the axis, face milling is done using the 171 Face Mill tool. Since the stand tilted supports to support the phone, orientation of the stand needs to be changed, for further milling.
Step 2: Changing WCS and Milling Again
Changed the new WCS with a new setup such that the mill can mill the stand from sideways. Again as first step, the side face is milled. Then after this 2D adaptive milling is performed using the 115 long mill. After that a 2D pocket milling is done to achieve slightly finer detail. And finally a 3D adaptive clearing is performed in the shape of the stand.
Step 3: Milling From Opposite Direction by Changing WCS
Since the flute is not long enough, for the new 3D adaptive clearing, the axis is changed to the opposite direction and adaptive clearing is performed to get a continuous looking support structure. Now changing the axis once more, since both the supports are separate. The axis are changed such that the new 3D adaptive clearing is performed from the front of the stand. A longer flute is used this time clear away as much material as possible. Since some more material gets remained at the top, the axis is changed again to make drill approach from the back. With this all the steps are done!
Step 4: Simulation Video
Here is a video of the simulation.