You might think... this guy doesn't have anything else to do... but the thing is... I moved from Portugal to the United Kingdom and the IBM Case was too heavy, so i had to choose, the case or some clothe :D...
But to do this you have to check if everything fits, and if you have cable lenght.
But to do this you have to check if everything fits, and if you have cable lenght.
Step 1:
First, put the board on the side of the case and with a nail puncture the holes of the board.
Step 2: The Power Supply
Just cut the hole power supply
Step 3: Vent
Opening the vent hole and build the vent tunnel.
Step 4: Hard Drives
Let's what we can do so... they don't overheat and burn .
Step 5: Final Wiring
So this can work, i need the on/off button and some usb ports and some sound!
Step 6: Opening the Holes in the Back
Final cuts, for all the other ports .
Step 7: Will It Work?
Well, now i was nervous ... will it work ? will it burn immediately? let's check!!