Introduction: CATS Box

About: relaxed pic
A box of supplies needed when you adopt a Cat or a Kitten, I got this idea after reading an article on the BBC web site about Baby Boxes given to Finnish mothers when they take home their new baby from the hospital. Here is a link to the story:
I have noticed over the years that our cats love cardboard boxes when brought home from shopping. So the box that the supplies come in will double as a place for the cat/kitten to sleep and play in.
I came up with the acronym CATS Box or Cat Adoption Take-home Supplies BOX and KATS BOX Kitten Adoption Take-Home Supplies BOX. I think it suits the purpose of this Instuctable.
Above is a picture of our youngest cat "Sunshine" she loves cardboard boxes as do all our cats. This picture was taken a few minutes after I brought  the box into the house.

Step 1: My Reason for Making It

I thought this would be a good project for youth groups, school classes, senior's groups to make and donate to local Humane Society's / SPCA's. It would also be a great home assembled gift for a friend that is adopting a cat or a kitten. You would have to contact you local animal adoption centre to see if they would be willing to accept the boxes first and if they would have a place to store them.
The cost of the supplies I used was under $20 Canadian.
The name brand items I used were what I had on hand for our cats, I do not endorse any particular brand or company. Our cats might though, they can be fussy sometimes about their food or the lack in promptness of its serving.
The cat toy is one of many that my wife knits and puts cat nip and stuffing in it.
The phone numbers are the classic "555" type that you see in TV shows.
A copy of the items list is a good thing to have in the box to indicate what it contains.
The poster on the outside of the box indicates whether if it is for a Cat or a Kitten. The picture is of "Sunshine" when she was a lot smaller.

Step 2: Box Items

Food: 6 cans of food, dry cat food, cat treats (cat milk for kitten box)
Water and food dish.
Litter box, litter and litter scoop.
Fleece blanket or piece of fleece.
Cat toy, card with phone numbers

Step 3: Packing the Box

Packing the box takes some trial and error, but you should be able to make it all fit and then put the lid back on the box.
You can finish the box off by putting a paper explaining what the box is for and its contents on the outside of the box. I suggest one paper for the top and one or two for the sides of the box.
I've included close-ups of the poster, items list and cat toy.

Step 4: Additional Uses

As  a "Bug Out Box" just in case you have to evacuate your house or apartment because of a weather or man made emergency. Having supplies ready for your pet when you have to go to a shelter or a friends place for a few days.
Also handy if you have to have  your cat stay at someone's house for a few days while you're out of town.