Introduction: CEL's Air Pollution Maper (Modified)
Air pollution is a global issue in today's society, it is the cause for numerous illness and causes disconfort. This is why we have tried to build a system that could track both your gps location and the air pollution at that exact spot, to then be able to collect and add up the data onto an efficient and easy to understand format.
Members of this groupe are :
Clara Gillis
Elora Bancet
Landry Bulteau
from class supB of ESME sudria.
We are all co-authors of this log.
Step 1: Finding the Project
We had a first objective:
Find a project (= pb to resolve) with all the constraints, a solution. Find the materials. Search about our project. Create organization => Trello, Instructable
Air pollutant in different cities (=second idea)
Link for the second idea:
Pollutants: What are they where do they come from? (we used this link)
Project description : Problem related to SDG: Format: 2 possibilities => a watch if the sensor is small A large bracelet with an integrate watch. The bracelet content the sensor.
Time: 7 weeks
Budget: 200 euros Order on the Corect web site: Advice: don’t use it all in one go.
Documentation: Instructables
Organization: Trello
Component we need to buy: - Sensor : Ozone, dioxyde d'azote, soufre, monoxyde de carbone - GPS Watch - Batterie
Pb: Way to connect sensor to the watch Way to get the data recorded and send them to…to create a map
Link use to find the major toxine in the air: Pollutants: What are they where do they come from?
Step 2: Choosing Our Components
Objectif today: We had to order component on one of the 3 website provided. To do this we search the toxine in the air we wanted to detect. We search quickly their effect. Then we order.
Resume of the seance: Major toxine in the air (*4): Effect: ⇒ Appropriate component:
the appropriate component These are the stuff we buy :
*Ublox NEO-6M GPS Module de Avion Contrôleur + Antenna pour Arduino APM2.5 APM2
*VKLSVAN MQ-135 Capteur de qualité d'air Module de détection de gaz dangereux pour Arduino
*Module capteur de monoxyde de carbone capteur MQ 7 MQ7 Co gaz – pour Arduino Raspberry Pi:
*MQ-power lot de 2 modules capteur de gaz butane 300–10000ppm méthane détecteur de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone pour arduino:
*2pcs Pile 9v Connecteur Snap Dc Adaptateur Secteur Pour Arduino :
*Duracell - Pile Alcaline - 9V x 2 - Plus Power (6LR61):
*Carte de développement CMS Arduino Uno Exel Table link = resume the order:
FRAMEWORK to the next lesson: Clara has to write the “project” and “the four molecules” use case organise log and other doc We must write a log to follow our progression: pb, solution… Contact expert ecrire log S3
How to make the use case ?
Use your GDS Lesson Example of a use case :
Objectif today: We had to order component on one of the 3 website provided. To do this we search the toxine in the air we wanted to detect. We search quickly their effect. Then we order.
Resume of the seance: Major toxine in the air (*4): Effect: ⇒ Appropriate component:
the appropriate component These are the stuff we buy :
*Ublox NEO-6M GPS Module de Avion Contrôleur + Antenna pour Arduino APM2.5 APM2
*VKLSVAN MQ-135 Capteur de qualité d'air Module de détection de gaz dangereux pour Arduino
*Module capteur de monoxyde de carbone capteur MQ 7 MQ7 Co gaz – pour Arduino Raspberry Pi:
*MQ-power lot de 2 modules capteur de gaz butane 300–10000ppm méthane détecteur de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone pour arduino:
*2pcs Pile 9v Connecteur Snap Dc Adaptateur Secteur Pour Arduino :
*Duracell - Pile Alcaline - 9V x 2 - Plus Power (6LR61):
*Carte de développement CMS Arduino Uno Exel Table link = resume the order:
FRAMEWORK to the next lesson: Clara has to write the “project” and “the four molecules” use case organise log and other doc We must write a log to follow our progression: pb, solution… Contact expert ecrire log S3
How to make the use case ?
Use your GDS Lesson Example of a use case :
Step 3: Getting Our Components
The objective of the day was to get our components and try to
start something with them.
All the stuff we bought has been taken in picture and joined to this post.
During the session, we tried to connect the air sensor to the Arduino Uno Card and we used a code we found on this Instructable user profile :
*The MQ135: Ce capteur est sensible au CO2, à l’alcool, au Benzène, à l’oxyde d’azote (NOx) et à l’ammoniac (NH3).
*MQ7: CO senor
*Le MQ-2 est un capteur qui permet de détecteur du gaz ou de fumée
Step 4: Connecting the GPS Sensor
The mission of the day was to connect the gps sensor to the
arduino card and be able to read the geolocalisation data.
To do that, we had to solder the wire to the gps sensor, and then connect it to the card. We didn't really succeed in making the code, so we will continue it next session.
Step 5: Experimentations and Wiring
The mission of the day was to wire the different sensors to the
Arduino Uno card and then try some experimentation to see if the sensors are working.
*First step : put the MQ-2 sensor in a box full of smocke
The code we used is on the image, and the experiment on the video.
By doing it, we saw on the arduino monitor a real increase of the curve, which allows us to think that the sensor is working.
*Second Step : put the MQ-135 sensor in a box with alcohol in it
The code we used is on the image too, but we didn't take a picture of the experiment because it's quiet the same as the first one.
Thanks to the experiment, we saw that the sensor worked too.
*Third Step : make the MQ-7 sensor work
The code is on the image too. We didn't have access to a big source of Carbone monoxyde so we tried the sensor with the air of the room.
The more important thing in these three steps was to make sure we were able to read the data from the sensor thanks to the codes.
Fourth Step : Bring the GPS sensor to work and connect the three other sensor
Landry succeeded to make the GPS work with the code he wrote. You can find the codes on the image.
Step 6: Final Codes
We combined our sensors codes with our gps code.
The only issue we had was the altitude which won't work. We found out that altitude needed a lot more time for the satelite to calibrate our position.
However, that wont be a real problem as we have chossen not to use alltitude and consider all the data gathering to be done at ground level.
Step 7: Translate Collected Data to a Visual Reprensation
Now that our code works properly we have to make use of the data we collect. We have a decided to use some kind of map to represent the consentration that the sensors are picking up.
The First step was to convert the gps coordonnates into a physical reprentation on a map. After finding the right tools and understanding how to use them it was done.
We used e-Maps on excel to make our map using the data we gathered.
The project is now officialy finished, don't hesitate to contact us if you need any advice or if you have any question or tips for us.
Sincerly, the CEL team.