Introduction: CHIP-8 Computer
CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language for a virtual graphics computer. [1]
It was developed by RCA engineer Joseph Weisbecker in the mid-1970’s to allow video games to be more easily programmed for the COSMAC VIP 8-bit microcomputer.
Many of these games are in the public domain. [2]
This instructable explains how to make a virtual CHIP-8 graphics computer that can play these games using Processing 3 (freeware), an Arduino UNO R3, and a hexadecimal keypad. The keypad, which is optional, allows two players at the same time.
This instructable also explains how to create your own games using CHIP-8
Apart from games my version of CHIP-8 is great for learning how to program as:
- breakpoints may be set
- single-stepping is supported
- all register contents are displayed when single-stepping
- all instructions are disassembled when single stepping
The estimated cost of parts is less than $20.
- The video shows the CHIP-8 virtual computer in action. The game “Jumping Sprite” is developed in this instructable. Deceptively simple ... difficult to master. A public domain game called “BRIX” is also demonstrated in which the idea is to knock out as many bricks as possible before missing the ball with the paddle.
- The CHIP-8 computer is shown in the cover photo.
- Photo 2 shows the external hexadecimal keypad. Construction is simple ... a baseboard, four jumper wires and a wire link. [3]
- Photo 3 is a screen shot of the game “BRIX” in single step mode. In this mode the register contents are displayed and the next instruction is disassembled. The blue trace can be turned off in the CHIP-8 header ... but is helpful when debugging.
CHIP-8 is an acronym for:
Comprehensive Hexadecimal Interpretive Programming – 8-Bit
CHIP-8 details may be found at
There are many public domain CHIP-8 programs ... just Google CHIP-8 to find them.
One such games pack is available from
Be aware that programs written for later versions of CHIP-8 may not run as some have extra instructions and a different starting address.
Construction details for the hexadecimal keypad are described in my instructable
The Arduino keypad software for talking to CHIP-8 is included in this instructable.
Step 1: Parts List
My CHIP-8 software supports two players.
Option 1 (single player)
Nothing is required for this option other than keypad stickers.
CHIP-8 reconfigures your PC keyboard as follows when it is running:
1 2 3 4 ===> 1 2 3 C Q W E R ===> 4 5 6 D A S D F ===> 7 8 9 E Z X C V ===> A 0 B F
The cost for this option is the price of some (optional) keypad stickers
Option 2 (two players)
The external keyboard (photo 1) offers the following advantages:
- two players can play as both keyboards are recognised
- the keypad layout is rectangular rather than slanted.
- you aren’t leaning over the CPU keyboard
- you can sit back to watch the screen
The following parts are required for this option:
- 1 onlyArduino UNO R3
- 1 only TTP229 capacitive touch keypad
- 4 only male-female Arduino jumper leads
- 8 only M3 x 9mm theaded nylon spacers
- 12 only M3 x 5mm bolts
- 1 only USB cable
- 1 only piece of scrap plastic for the baseboard
The estimated cost of parts for this option is less than $20.
Installing the hex keypad
Apart from the four jumper wires you also need to install a wire link.
Construction details are in my instructable
To activate this keypad
- Download and install the attached file “chip8_keyboard.ino” to your Arduino
- The keypad is recognised by setting “ExternalKeypad = true;” in the CHIP-8 header.
Step 2: CHIP-8 Computer
Photo 1 shows the memory map for my version of the CHIP-8 computer.
CHIP-8 is an imaginary computer that has the following (software) components:
- ALU ... arithmetic and logic unit
- PC ... program counter
- SP ... stack pointer
- I ... index register
- V[0..F] ... sixteen registers for holding variables
The following hardware components are also emulated in software
- ROM read only memory
- RAM random access memory
- Stack for nesting up to 16 subroutines
- DelayTimer for general purpose delays up to 6 seconds
- SoundTimer for controlling the sound (beep) duration
Each of the above components are explained in more detail below:
RAM (random access memory)
The random access memory is created in software using a 4096 byte array ... Memory[4096]
This memory is required for
- your programs
- storing registers
- converting hexadecimal numbers to BCD (binary coded decimal)
ROM (read only memory)
This is defined as the first 512 memory locations from Memory[0] to Memory[511] or Memory[1FF] in hexadecimal.
ROM is normally used for the computer operating system. But CHIP-8 doesn’t have an operating system as such because we are using a Processing 3 interpreter.
The only items in this ROM area are the in-built screen fonts. The fonts start at Memory[050] hexadecimal
I have chosen to use a separate array Stack[32] (decimal) for the stack rather use Memory[]
The stack pointer SP, which always points to Stack[0] at startup, is automatically incremented and decremented with each JSR (jump to subroutine) and RET ( return from subroutine command.
The CHIP-8 display has 64 horizontal and 32 vertical pixels (picture elements) which means the graphics are somewhat chunky.
The display is refreshed between 50Hz and 60Hz (approx 20mS)
CHIP-8 has two 8-bit timers that decrement each time the screen is refreshed and stop when their counts reach zero.
- The delay timer is used for general delays up to 5 seconds. (255*20mS)
- The sound timer works the same way except that it beeps while the count is above zero.
The fonts comprise chunky graphics as shown by the number 7 in photo 2. The screen fonts begin at Memory[050] in hexadecimal.
Each hexadecimal digit is comprises a pattern of 4 x 5 pixels.
Photo 3 shows the HEX (hexadecimal) font patterns for the digits [0-9], [A-F].
If you refer to photo 3 you will see that the pattern for the number ‘7’ comprises the following 5 bytes where each binary ‘1’ represents a screen pixel:
0xF0 ****.... 0x10 ...*.... 0x20 ..*..... 0x40 .*...... 0x40 .*......
Index Register
The 12-bit index register can point anywhere in memory.
It is used for:
- register to memory data trasfer
- memory to register data transfer
- pointing to fonts
- BCD conversion
Important ... point the index register (I) at unused memory before doing BCD conversion
The original CHIP-8 computer used a hexadecimal keypad.
My version of CHIP-8 remaps the following keys on your keyboard to form a HEX keypad.
1 2 3 4 ===> 1 2 3 C Q W E R ===> 4 5 6 D A S D F ===> 7 8 9 E Z X C V ===> A 0 B F
Your PC key layout reverts to normal when you close CHIP-8
The software also accepts an external keypad should you have two players or wish to sit back from the screen.
Step 3: CHIP-8 Software
To run CHIP-8 games you need the following software
- Processing 3 from
- chip8_interpreter.pde .... attached to this instructable
- a games pack from
Each of the above packages are freeware.
Installing the games pack
- Unzip the games pack to your desktop
Installing Processing 3
Processing 3 is similar to Arduino except Processing has a draw() loop .
- Download and install the Processing version for your computer.
- Add a sound library by clicking "Sketch->Import Library -> Add Library"
- Type "Sound" into the "Filter" box
- Now click " Sound -> Install" ... (see photo 5)
Installing CHIP-8
- Run Processing
- Open “chip8_interpreter.pde”
- Open a new sketch
- Copy the contents of “chip8_interpreter.pde” into the sketch and save it using the same name but without the quotes or the file extension.
Running CHIP-8
- Run Processing
- Open “chip8_interpreter.pde”
- Left-click the top-left arrow in Processing ... a screen similar to photo 1 will appear.
Your keyboard has now been remapped:
1 2 3 4 ==> 1 2 3 C Q W E R ==> 4 5 6 D A S D F ==> 7 8 9 E Z X C V ==> A 0 B F
The following keys control the program
- J =load file
- K = start program
- L = stop program
Let’s run a CHIP-8 game from the games pack.
- Press “J” ... this brings up a menu
- Navigate your way to the games pack
- Select BRIX ..... photo 2
The screen will resemble photo 3 when BRIX has loaded
- Press “K” to start the game .... (photo 4)
- Press “L” to stop the game
The “Q” and “E’ keys control the paddle for BRIX
- Whenever the “L” key is pressed the program stops and displays all of the the register contents. Pressing “L” multiple times allows you to single step through a program
- To restart the game press “K”
- The “blue” trace can be turned off in the CHIP-8 header.
- The “speed” can also be adjusted in the CHIP-8 header
Important ... Always click the CHIP-8 screen once ... this ensures that you don’t accidentally overwrite the CHIP-8 program when you press your keyboard
Step 4: CHIP-8 Instruction Set
CHIP-8 has 35 opcodes, which are all two bytes long and stored big-endian. [1]
A detailed instruction set may be down loaded from
This instruction set was useful when writing the CHIP-8 interpreter but is difficult to use when programming as all of the opcodes are listed in alpha-numeric order.
For ease of coding the attached “Chip-8 Instruction Set.pdf” has the instructions grouped by function.
The most-significant-nibble ( 4 bits) determines the instruction type which leaves a maximum of 12 bits for addresses. The maximum amount of memory is therefore 2^12=4096 bytes.
Depending on the instruction the remaining nibbles are grouped as follows:
- NNN a 12-bit pointer address
- NN an 8-bit number
- N a 4-bit number
- X the register number (V[X]) holding the X-axis screen coordinate
- Y the register number (V[Y]) holding the Y-axis screen coordinate
(Note: I use the term register and variable V interchangeably)
An instruction such as DXYN means:
- D = what to do ... in this case Draw a sprite
- X = X is the register holding the X-screen coordinate
- Y = Y is the register holding the Y-screen coordinate
- N =N is the number of bytes to display from where the index register is pointing
Reserved Registers
The following registers should be treated as reserved
- V[0] used for BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) and register to memory transfer
- V[1] used for BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) and register to memory transfer
- V[2] used for BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) and register to memory transfer
- V[F] collision detector and flag register for arithmetic operations
In general it is better to use the high numbered registers as any transfer of bytes from memory starts with V[0]
Big-endian is an order in which the "big end" (most significant value in the sequence) is stored first (at the lowest storage address). Little-endian is an order in which the "little end" (least significant value in the sequence) is stored first.
Step 5: HEX Editor
A hexadecimal editor is required if you wish to write your own software.
Installing the editor software
- Download and install Notepad++ from
- Download, and unzip, the file “” from
- The file that we are interested in is called HexEditor.dll
- Open Notepad++
- Left-click “Plugins >>Open Plugins Folder” ............ (photo1)
- Create a new folder called HexEditor using “right-click >> new>>folder”
- Copy & paste HexEditor.dll into the HexEditor folder
- Restart Notepad ++
Configuring the Plugin
- Left-click “Plugins>>HEX-Editor>>Options”
- Duplicate the settings shown in photo2
- CHIP-8 opcode will now appear in groups of four HEX digits as shown in photo 3.
- Notepad++ defaults to a plain text editor whenever a file is opened.
- To view/edit/create a HEX file you must left-click “Plugins>>HEX-Editor>>View In HEX”
- The HEX editor has one minor quirk ... everything is displayed in lower case !!
Step 6: Creating Your First CHIP-8 Program
Let’s create the image shown in photo 1.
- Enter the numbers shown in photo 2
- Save the file as seven.txt
These number have the following meaning:
00e0 clear the screen 661e put the hex number 1e into register 6 ... the X screen coordinate is now 30 decimal 670a put the hex number 0a into register 7 ... the Y screen coordinate is now 10 decimal 6807 put the hex number 7 into register 8 ... this is the number we want to display f829 point the index register at the graphic representing the number in register 8 d675 display 5 graphic lines (i.e. the 7 sprite) at the location stored in registers 6 and 7 f000 stop
Running your own code is exactly the same as running the BRIX software in Step 3:
- Press “J” and select “seven.txt”
- Press “K” to run
- Press “L” to stop
Photo 1 shows the resulting screen pattern ... amazing for only seven instructions !!!
The attached file "seven.txt" contains the above code
A number of common code examples follow.
Step 7: Keypad Test
This program demonstrates:
- the random number generator
- the keyboard skip-if- equal instruction
- the use of jump instructions and
- how to erase a sprite
The screen number will change whenever your key-press matches the on-screen number.
The annotated code to achieve this is shown below:
200 00e0 Clear the screen 202 601C Store the X coordinate in register V0 204 610D Store the Y coordinate in register V1 206 C20F <------+ Generate a random number between 0 .. F in register V2 208 F229 | Point the I register at the sprite-shape for this number 20A D015 | Display the number by flipping the screen pixels 20C E29E <--+ | Skip the next instruction if your keypress matches the number 20E 120C ---+ | Jump to the program instruction at address 20C 210 D015 | Erase the number by flipping all the pixels back to their original state 202 1206 -------+ Jump to the random number generator at address 206
This program is far more complex than the “7” program yet only requires 10 instructions !!!
The attached file "keypad test.tx" contains the above code.
- Since the program is in an infinite loop it doesn’t require a stop instruction
- The F in the instruction at address 206 is a “mask” that restricts the numbers to the range 0..F
- The program has two jump instructions ... one “polls” the keyboard until a matching key is pressed ... the other restarts the number generator
- The instruction at address 210 erases the number by displaying it a second time
Step 8: Sprites
Everything you see on a CHIP-8 screen is created using “sprites”[1]
- The letter “I” shown in photo 2 was created using the 8 x 15 sprite-pattern shown in photo 1
- Photos 3 through 7 show how adjacent sprites can be used to create an image.
- Each 1-bit in a sprite flips the screen pixel beneath.
- To remove a sprite image simply display it again and all of the screen pixels will flip back to their original state.
A sprite is a graphic image that a user can interact with and move around. The term was first used by Danny Hillis at Texas Instruments in the late 1970s as it floats over the screen in a fairy-like manner.
Step 9: BCD Display
This step introduces:
- BCD (binary-coded-decimal) conversion
- subroutines
This example converts hexadecimal 7B to 123 decimal and display each of the three digits in the top right corner of the display.
It also displays the hexadecimal digit A in the screen center
- Photo 1 shows the screen we wish to draw
- Photo 2 shows the memory map needed to achieve our goal
- Photo 3 shows the hexadecimal code
We are free to place our variables in any register except V0,V1,V2, & VF
- V0,V1,V2 are required for the BCD (binary coded decimal) conversion
- V0 is used for the 100’s
- V1 is used for the 10’s
- V2 is used for the units
- VF is reserved for flags which we will use in the next exercise.
The annotated code to achieve this follows:
////////////// this is similar to setup() in Arduino ///////////////// 200 00E0 clear the screen 20A 122C jump past the following two subroutines /////////////// display random number subroutine /////////////////// 206 661C put RND X into register V6 208 670D put RND Y into register V7 20C F829 point to sprite 20E D675 display sprite 210 00EE return from subroutine /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// 212 A000 point to conversion area ...................... (see note 1) 214 F533 convert the number in register V5 to BCD ........ (see note 1) 216 F265 fill registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD 202 6331 put screen X coordinate into register V3 (31 hex = 49 decimal) 204 6401 put screen Y coordinate into register V4 218 F029 point 100’s sprite ............................... (see note 2) 21A D345 display 100’s sprite ............................. (see note 2) 21C 7305 move BCD X to the 10’s coordinate by adding 5 21E F129 point to the 10’s sprite ......................... (see note 2) 220 D345 display the 10’s sprite .......................... (see note 2) 222 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 224 F229 point to the 1’s sprite .......................... (see note 2) 226 D345 display the 1’s sprite ........................... (see note 2) 22A 00EE return from subroutine ///////////////// display 123 //////////////////////////// 22C 657B put hex 7B (123 decimal) into register V5 22E 2212 convert and display using subroutine at address 212 ///////////////////// display A (hexadecimal) ///////////////////////// 230 680A put hex 0A into register V8 232 220C display 0A using subroutine at address 20C /////////////////////// task complete /////////////////////////////////////// 234 F000 stop ... enter debug mode
The above code is contained in the attached file "BCD_test.txt:
To erase the numbers we just need to replace the last instruction with
234 2212 redraw the BCD numbers using the subroutine at address 212 236 220C redraw the number 0A using the subroutine at address 220C 238 F000 stop ... enter debug mode
The reason this works is that the numbers stored in registers V0,V1,V2, and register V8 have not changed.
This modified code is contained in the file "BCD_test_2.txt"
(Hint: you may wish to single-step through this program using the “L” key.)
We don’t want to be rewriting our subroutine code every time we enter a program.
Placing them near the start and jumping around them means that you only have to edit the last few lines of code when creating a new program which means that you will wind up with a library full of useful subroutines.
We demonstrate this in the next example.
Step 10: BCD Counter
Download and run the attached CHIP-8 file “BCD_counter.txt”
This example adds 1 to the counter each time you press a key that matches the central number.
It also demonstrates
- random numbers
- erasing sprites
- the use of existing code
- Photo 1 shows the screen we wish to draw ... the counter is set to zero
- Photo 2 shows the memory map needed to achieve our goal
- Photo 3 shows the code from the previous example
- Photo 4 shows the the code for this example. Apart from the text in yellow highlight, the code is the same as the previous example. This is possible because we placed our code at the beginning.
The annotated code for this example is shown below:
/////////////// display the counter ///////////////////// 22C 6500 reset the counter by changing V5 to zero 22E 2212 convert and display V5 using the subroutine at address 212 /////////////// display a random number ///////////////////// 230 C80F generate a random number in register V8. 232 220C convert and display V8 using the subroutine at address 20C /////////////// look for a matching key press ///////////////////// 234 E89E skip the next instruction if the key press equals the number in V8 236 1234 jump back to address 234 if the key isn’t the same as the number in V8 /////////////// erase all digits /////////////////// 238 220C erase the random number by displaying it again 23A 2212 erase the three counter digits by displaying them again /////////////// increment the counter //////////////////// 23C 7501 add 1 to the counter value held in register V5 23E 122E jump to address 22E which displays the BCD contents of register V5
Step 11: A Simple Game (1) ... the Rules
Let’s make a simple game using two sprites.
At the end of this project you should have a better understanding of:
- sprites
- random numbers
- masks
- delay timers
- sound timers
- BCD counters
- keyboard logic
- collision flags
The attached file "Jumping Sprite.txt" contains the code for this game should you wish to try it now.
Game Rules
- The position of a large sprite is controlled by a random number generator.
- The large sprite moves to a different position every 5 seconds.
- The position of a smaller sprite is controlled by your keypad:
- 2=up
- 4=left
- 6=right
- 8=down
Your task is to make the smaller sprite collide with the larger sprite using the keys on your keypad
If a collision occurs:
- the large sprite disappears
- the sound timer emits a beep
- 1 is added to your counter and
- the large sprite then reappears in another position
Step 12: A Simple Game (2) ... Getting Ready
Register Map:
- Before starting any project you need to allocate a register to every task.
- The register map for our "Jumping Sprite" program is shown in photo 1
We also need to understand how the timers work
The sound timer:
- The sound timer requires the use of a dedicated register ... we will use register C
- Numbers sent to register C must be copied to the SoundTimer in Processing
- A beep is emitted when we send a number to the SoundTimer
- The number in the SoundTimer is automatically decremented every 20mS.
- The beep stops when the SoundTimer reaches zero
- A number of 0x06 produces a 6*20mS =120mS beep
- The contents of register C are not altered
The delay timer:
- The delay timer requires a dedicated delay register ... we will use register D
- Numbers sent to register D must be copied to the DelayTimer in Processing
- The DelayTimer in Processing is decremented every 20mS
- Unlike the SoundTimer there is no beep.
- The DelayTimer must be “polled” to determine if it has reached zero
- A number of 0x64 produces a 100*20mS= 2 second delay
- The number in rgeister D is not altered.
We are now ready to code:
To understand the game let's split "Jumping Sprite.txt" up into five parts where each part is a a collection of subroutines.
In each of the following steps we add and test more subroutines until our program is complete.:
To save a lot of typing:
- open a fresh copy of the file "Jumping Sprite.txt" with your hexcecimal text editor
- overwrite the Jumping Sprite code with the "test code" in each of the four parts starting at the address shown in code line 202 ... don't worry about the code you haven't overwritten.
- you must also overwrite code line 202 with the new start address in shown in each part.
- save your modified code using a different "filename"
- now run your new filename using the "JKL" keys in Processing
Step 13: A Simple Game (3) ... the BCD Display
The BCD display
Be aware that the BCD instruction FX33 expects the index register I to be pointing at a free area in memory for making calculations.
If you forget to point the index register I to a safe area in memory then the FX33 instruction may overwrite parts of your program code.
This is an extremely difficult bug to find ...
Lets convert hexadecimal number 7B into its BCD form (123 decimal) .
The annotated code for this is:
200 00E0 clear screen 202 121A jump to start /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// * The user is responsible for pointing the index register I at clear memory * 204 6336 set screen X coordinate for 10’s digit ..... (36 hex = 54 decimal) 206 6401 set screen Y coordinate 208 A000 .......... point register I at scratch-pad memory 20A F533 .......... uses scratchpad to do BCD conversion 20C F265 ...........fills registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD from scratchpad 20E F129 ........... automatically points register I to the 10’s sprite 210 D345 display the 10’s sprite 212 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 214 F229 ........... automatically points register I to the 1’s sprite 216 D345 display the 1’s sprite 218 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// test code ////////// /* we remove this test code once the above code has been tested */ 21A 657B store 123 decimal into register V5 21C 2204 JSR 204 ... display last 2 digits of 123 .... BCD turns on 21E 2204 JSR 204 ... display last 2 digits of 123 .... BCD turns off 220 F000 stop
Your screen should look like photo 1 when you run the above code.
- The index register I points to three different areas of memory
- Code line 208 POINTS the index register to a safe area of memory BEFORE we use the FX33 instruction
- Code line 21E erases the BCD display by displaying it a second time.
- Use the “L” single-step key to see this in action.
In the next step we create our own sprites.
Step 14: A Simple Game (4) ... Creating Sprites
Let’s now create some sprites.
Instead of writing new code we replace the test code in part 1 with our new subroutine(s) then change code line 202 to point at our new test code.
The annotated code to achieve this is shown below:
200 00E0 clear screen 202 122A jump to start of test code /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// /* The user is responsible for pointing the index register I at clear memory */ 204 6336 set screen X coordinate for 10’s digit ..... (36 hex = 54 decimal) 206 6401 set screen Y coordinate 208 A000 .......... point register I at scratch-pad memory 20A F533 .......... convert V[5] content to BCD 20C F265 ...........fills registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD from scratchpad 20E F129 ........... automatically points register I to the 10’s sprite 210 D345 display the 10’s sprite 212 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 214 F229 ........... automatically points register I to the 1’s sprite 216 D345 display the 1’s sprite 218 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine ///////////////////// large sprite pattern /////////////////// 21A A0 *.*.... large sprite pattern 21B 40 .*...... 21C A0 *.*..... //////////////////// small sprite pattern ///////////////////// 21D 80 *....... small sprite pattern //////////////////// display large sprite ///////////////////// 21E A21A point register I at the large sprite 220 D673 display 3 lines of the large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 222 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine //////////////////// display the small sprite //////////////// 224 A21D point register I at the small sprite 226 D891 display 1 line of the small sprite at coordinate V[8],V[9] 228 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// test code //////////////////////// /* Note: - that code line 202 now points to the first line of this test code - no other code lines have changed. */ // ----- convert 7B hex to 123 BCD 22A 657B store 123 decimal into register V5 22C 2204 JSR ... display last 2 digits of 123</p><p>// ------ draw large sprite 22E 660A put the X coordinate for the large sprite into register V6 230 6705 put the Y coordinate for the large sprite into register V7 232 221E JSR ... draw large sprite </p><p>// ----- draw small sprite 234 6820 put the X coordinate for the small sprite into register V8 236 6914 put the Y coordinate for the small sprite into register V9 238 2224 JSR ... draw the small sprite 23A F000 stop
Your screen should look like photo 1 when you run the above code.
Step 15: A Simple Game (5) ... Make the Large Sprite Jump
This code block demonstrates the use of:
- The delay timer to make the large sprite change location every 5 seconds.
- Masks to prevent the large sprite from disappearing off the screen
200 00E0 clear screen 202 123E jump to start of test code /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// /* The user is responsible for pointing the index register I at clear memory */ 204 6336 set screen X coordinate for 10’s digit ..... (36 hex = 54 decimal) 206 6401 set screen X coordinate for 1’s digit 208 A000 .......... point register I at scratch-pad memory 20A F533 .......... convert V[5] content to BCD 20C F265 ...........fills registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD from scratchpad 20E F129 ........... automatically points register I to the 10’s sprite 210 D345 display the 10’s sprite 212 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 214 F229 ........... automatically points register I to the 1’s sprite 216 D345 display the 1’s sprite 218 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine ///////////////////// large sprite pattern /////////////////// 21A A0 *.*.... large sprite pattern 21B 40 .*...... 21C A0 *.*..... //////////////////// small sprite pattern ///////////////////// 21D 80 *....... small sprite pattern //////////////////// display large sprite ///////////////////// 21E A21A point register I at the large sprite 220 D673 display 3 lines of the large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 222 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine //////////////////// display the small sprite //////////////// 224 A21D point register I at the small sprite 226 D891 display 1 line of the small sprite at coordinate V[8],V[9] 228 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// random sprite move ////////////// 22A FA07 read DelayTimer into register VA 22C 3A00 skip next instruction if VA == 0 22E 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine 230 221A redraw the large sprite ... erases large sprite 232 C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask keeps numbers in range 0..61) 234 C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask keeps numbers in range 0..29) 236 221A draw new large sprite 238 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 23A FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 23C 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// test code ////////// 23E 657B store 123 decimal into register V5 240 2204 JSR ... display last 2 digits of 123 242 6820 put the X coordinate for the small sprite into register V8 244 6914 put the Y coordinate for the small sprite into register V9 246 2224 JSR .... draw the small sprite 248 C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask means 0..60 + 2 sprite columns) 24A C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask means 0..28 + 2 sprite rows) 24C 221E JSR ... draw large sprite 24E 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 250 FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 252 222A JSR ... draw random sprite 254 1252 infinite random sprite loop
The sprite should now jump to a new location every five seconds
Points to note:
- the mask of 0x3D (61 decimal) in code lines 230, 246 prevent the sprite going beyond the right-hand screen edge
- The mask 0f 0x1D (29 decimal) in code lines 232, 248 keeps the sprite above the bottom screen edge
- You should now begin to see a pattern ... make a small section of your code work then add some more.
Step 16: A Simple Game (6) ... Moving the Small Sprite
Let's add a keypad routine to the code in step 3 where:
- keypad 2 = moves the small sprite up
- keypad 4 = moves the small sprite down
- keypad 6 = moves the small sprite left
- keypad 4 = moves the small sprite right
The annotated code follows:
200 00E0 clear screen 202 1290 jump to start of test code /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// /* The user is responsible for pointing the index register I at clear memory */ 204 6336 set screen X coordinate for 10’s digit ..... (36 hex = 54 decimal) 206 6401 set screen X coordinate for 1’s digit 208 A000 .......... point register I at scratch-pad memory 20A F533 .......... convert V[5] content to BCD 20C F265 ...........fills registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD from scratchpad 20E F129 ........... automatically points register I to the 10’s sprite 210 D345 display the 10’s sprite 212 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 214 F229 ........... automatically points register I to the 1’s sprite 216 D345 display the 1’s sprite 218 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine ///////////////////// large sprite pattern /////////////////// 21A A0 *.*.... large sprite pattern 21B 40 .*...... 21C A0 *.*..... //////////////////// small sprite pattern ///////////////////// 21D 80 *....... small sprite pattern //////////////////// display large sprite ///////////////////// 21E A21A point register I at the large sprite 220 D673 display 3 lines of the large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 222 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine //////////////////// display the small sprite //////////////// 224 A21D point register I at the small sprite 226 D891 display 1 line of the small sprite at coordinate V[8],V[9] 228 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// random sprite move ////////////// 22A FA07 read DelayTimer into register VA 22C 3A00 skip next instruction if VA == 0 22E 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine 230 221A redraw the large sprite ... erases larghe sprite 232 C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask keeps numbers in range 0..61) 234 C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask keeps numbers in range 0..29) 236 221A draw new large sprite 238 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 23A FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 23C 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// move small sprite with keypad ////////////// 23E 6C02 keypad = 2 240 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 2 242 1258 jump up arrow 244 6C08 keypad = 8 246 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 8 248 1266 jump down arrow 24A 6C04 keypad = 4 24C ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 4 24E 1274 jump left arrow 250 6C06 keypad = 6 252 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 6 254 1282 jump right arrow 256 00EE RTS ... key not found 258 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... up arrow 25A 6C01 Keypad =1 25C 89C5 Y = Y-Keypad ... decrease Y 25E 6C1F Keypad = 0x1F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..31 260 89C2 apply the mask 262 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 264 00EE RTS 266 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... down arrow 268 6C01 Keypad =1 26A 89C4 Y= Y+Keypad ... increase Y 26C 6C1F Keypad = 0x1F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..31 26E 89C2 apply the mask 270 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 272 00EE RTS 274 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... left arrow 276 6C01 Keypad = 1 278 88C5 X = X-Keypad ... decrease X 27A 6C3F Keypad = 0x3F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..63 27C 88C2 apply the mask using AND logic 27E 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 280 00EE RTS 282 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... right arrow 284 6C01 Keypad = 1 286 88C4 X = X+Keypad ... increase X 288 6C3F Keypad =0x3F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..63 28A 88C2 apply the mask using AND logic 28C 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 28E 00EE RTS /////////////////// test code ////////// 290 6500 reset BCD counter (V5) 292 2204 JSR ... display last 2 digits of 123 294 6820 put the X coordinate for the small sprite into register V8 296 6910 put the Y coordinate for the small sprite into register V9 298 2224 JSR .... draw the small sprite 29A C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask keeps numbers in range 0..61) 29C C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask keeps numbers in range 0..29) 29E A21A point register I at the large sprite 2A0 D673 draw large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 2A2 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 2A4 FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 2A6 222A JSR ... draw random sprite 2A8 223E JSR ... scan keypad 2B0 12A6 infinite loop
We are now able to move the small sprite up, down, left, and right
Points to note:
- a “mask” of 0x3F (63 decimal) at code lines 27A, 288 restricts the sprite X position to between 0..63
- a “mask” of 0x1F (31 decimal) at code lines 25E, 26C restricts the sprite Y position to between (0..32)
- Code lines 204 thru 28E never change and are the equivalent of an Arduino “library”
- Code lines 290 thru 2A0 are the equivalent of an Arduino setup().
- Code lines 2A2 thru 2B0 are the equivalent of an Arduino loop()
Coding is extremely easy once you have created your first “library”.
Step 17: A Simple Game (7) ... Collision Detector
Now that our sprites can move we need some way of:
- detecting a collision
- making a “beep” whenever a collision occurs
- adding 1 to the score counter
Collision detection is built into the DXYN instruction ... register V[F] is set to a 1 if a collision occurs otherwise it is set to a 0.
The computer a makes beep whenever the sound timer is greater than than zero. The larger the number ... the longer the beep.
The score counter needs no explanation ... just add 1 to the value in register V5
These changes are shown in the following code:
200 00E0 clear screen 202 12A2 jump to start of test code /////////////// display BCD numbers subroutine //////////////////// /* The user is responsible for pointing the index register I at clear memory */ 204 6336 set screen X coordinate for 10’s digit ..... (36 hex = 54 decimal) 206 6401 set screen Y coordinate 208 A000 .......... point register I at scratch-pad memory 20A F533 .......... convert V[5] content to BCD 20C F265 ...........fills registers V0 to V2 inclusive with BCD from scratchpad 20E F129 ........... automatically points register I to the 10’s sprite 210 D345 display the 10’s sprite 212 7305 move BCD X to the 1’s coordinate by adding 5 214 F229 ........... automatically points register I to the 1’s sprite 216 D345 display the 1’s sprite 218 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine ///////////////////// large sprite pattern /////////////////// 21A A0 *.*.... large sprite pattern 21B 40 .*...... 21C A0 *.*..... //////////////////// small sprite pattern ///////////////////// 21D 80 *....... small sprite pattern //////////////////// display large sprite ///////////////////// 21E A21A point register I at the large sprite 220 D673 display 3 lines of the large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 222 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine //////////////////// display the small sprite //////////////// 224 A21D point register I at the small sprite 226 D891 display 1 line of the small sprite at coordinate V[8],V[9] 228 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// random sprite move ////////////// 22A FA07 read DelayTimer into register VA 22C 3A00 skip next instruction if VA == 0 22E 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine 230 221A redraw the large sprite ... erases larghe sprite 232 C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask keeps numbers in range 0..61) 234 C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask keeps numbers in range 0..29) 236 221A draw new large sprite 238 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 23A FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 23C 00EE RTS ... return from subroutine /////////////////// move small sprite with keypad ////////////// 23E 6C02 keypad = 2 240 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 2 242 1258 jump up arrow 244 6C08 keypad = 8 246 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 8 248 1266 jump down arrow 24A 6C04 keypad = 4 24C ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 4 24E 1274 jump left arrow 250 6C06 keypad = 6 252 ECA1 skip next instruction if keypad != 6 254 1282 jump right arrow 256 00EE RTS ... key not found 258 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... up arrow 25A 6C01 Keypad =1 25C 89C5 Y = Y-Keypad ... decrease Y 25E 6C1F Keypad = 0x1F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..31 260 89C2 apply the mask 262 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 264 00EE RTS 266 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... down arrow 268 6C01 Keypad =1 26A 89C4 Y= Y+Keypad ... increase Y 26C 6C1F Keypad = 0x1F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..31 26E 89C2 apply the mask 270 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 272 00EE RTS 274 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... left arrow 276 6C01 Keypad = 1 278 88C5 X = X-Keypad ... decrease X 27A 6C3F Keypad = 0x3F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..63 27C 88C2 apply the mask using AND logic 27E 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 280 00EE RTS 282 2224 JSR draw small sprite (ERASE) ... right arrow 284 6C01 Keypad = 1 286 88C4 X = X+Keypad ... increase X 288 6C3F Keypad =0x3F ... mask to restrict Y to range 0..63 28A 88C2 apply the mask using AND logic 28C 2224 JSR draw small sprite (NEW SPRITE) 28E 00EE RTS /////////////////// collision detector ////////////////////// 290 3F01 skip next instruction if VF == 1 292 00EE RTS ... there was no collision 294 6B06 put number in sound register (6*20mS=120mS) 296 FB18 send sound register contents to sound timer 298 2230 JSR ... erase/create large sprite 29A 2204 erase BCD 29C 7501 add 1 to V5 29E 2204 display new BCD count 2A0 00EE RTS /////////////////// test code ////////// 2A2 6500 reset BCD counter (V5) 2A4 2204 JSR ... display last 2 digits of 123 2A6 6820 put the X coordinate for the small sprite into register V8 2A8 6910 put the Y coordinate for the small sprite into register V9 2AA 2224 JSR .... draw the small sprite 2AC C63D set random X coordinate (3D mask keeps numbers in range 0..61) 2AE C71D set random Y coordinate (1D mask keeps numbers in range 0..29) 2B0 A21A point register I at the large sprite 2B2 D673 draw large sprite at coordinate V[6],V[7] 2B4 6AFF put new delay length into register VA 2B6 FA15 set DelayTimer to register VA contents 2B8 222A JSR ... draw random sprite 2BA 223E JSR ... scan keypad 2BC 2290 JSR ... collision detector 2BE 12B8 infinite loop
Guess what ... our game is complete :)
The file "Jumping Sprite.txt" contains the above code and is "ready to run".
- Code lines 2B8, 2BA, 2BC, and 2BE are the equivalent of an Arduino loop().
Step 18: Debugging
Sometimes your programs don’t behave as expected in which case you need to “debug” your software [1]
The BCD subroutine in the above example misbehaved ... every so often the BCD score counter was getting corrupted.
- Photo 1 shows what the BCD counter should look like
- Photo 2 shows the corrupted BCD counter
- Photo 3 shows a screen shot after I single stepped through the subroutine
- Photo 4 shows the problem ... I had forgotten to point the index register at unused memory.
- By default all registers get set to zero when CHIP-8 starts ... the index register (I ) was therefore pointing at unused memory.
- The first BCD conversion worked perfectly but when the score changed the second BCD conversion didn’t !!!!
- The reason was that the index register (I) was left pointing at the last font that was displayed ... the second conversion was therefore overwriting the fonts.
To locate the “bug” I stopped the program just before the fault appeared by pressing the “L” key.
I then single-stepped through the code (photo 4) looking at the registers to see what changed (or didn’t change) [2]
The disassembler really helps in situations like this.
The terms "bug" and "debugging" are popularly attributed to Admiral Grace Hopper in the 1940s. While she was working on a Mark II computer at Harvard University, her associates discovered a moth stuck in a relay and thereby impeding operation, whereupon she remarked that they were "debugging" the system.
The use of a spread-sheet is not normally required, but in this case it made it easier to see what was causing the problem.
Step 19: Summary
This instructable explains how to make a CHIP-8 virtual computer that can run existing public domain games using Processing 3
An external keypad allows two players at the same time. It also allows you to sit back from your computer screen when playing solo.
Arduino software that supports the external keyboard described in my instructable is included.
Unlike other CHIP-8 interpreters my version includes the following tools for debugging:
- breakpoints
- single-stepping
- disassembler
- all registers displayed
As such it is ideal for learning how to program.
To assist programming I have provided an instruction sheet with the CHIP-8 instructions grouped by function rather than alpha-numeric order.
Finally, a simple graphics game is developed to demonstrate how to:
- make counters
- configure your keypad
- use the delay timer
- use the sound timer
- create sprites (graphics)
- move sprites
- use “masks” to set boundary conditions
- use a “flag” to detect collisions
- create a subroutine library
The estimated cost of parts for the external keyboard version is less than $20
The single player version only requires some keyboard stickers.
Click here to view my other instructables.