Introduction: CNC Dust Collection / 3D Printed

What I never imagined would be difficult for me when I started making my own CNC machine was the dust problem! To solve it I needed something easy to build but durable and flexible enough to suit the needs of the individual projects.

Step 1: Supplies

This is a list of materials used in my version, but some of them could be replaced with some that you already have!

  • 1x Transparent Acrylic Sheet (165mm x 100mm x 6mm)
  • 6x Neodymium Magnets (10mm x 3mm)
  • 4x Neodymium Magnets (4mm x 2mm)
  • 4x M3 Bolts
  • 10x M4 Bolts
  • 2x M5 Bolts
  • 4x M3 Hex Nuts
  • 10x M4 Hex Nuts
  • 2x M5 Hex Nuts
  • 1x PVC Transparent Flexible Sheet

Step 2: Designing / Tinkercad

The design of the 3d print parts was entirely in Tinkercad and you can customize it to suit your own needs:

Or you can download the 3d print parts as STL files ready to print here:

Step 3: Assembly Process

The first thing to do is screw the back mount plate to the acrylic sheet with M4 screws / M4 nuts and place the M5 nuts in their slots. Then screw the front mount plate with the M5 screws and thus complete the way that the CNC dust collection will attach to the spindle. We will then screw the vacuum tube adapter to the acrylic sheet with M3 screws / M3 nuts, after that we'll put the magnets (4mm X 2mm) in the holes of the honeycomb screen mesh. We have to place upside down six M4 screws / M4 nuts, around the acrylic sheet and six magnets (10mm X 3mm) in the 3d printed dust shoe. Final we put in the slots of the 3d printed dust shoe the transparent flexible sheet cut to the appropriate dimensions!

Step 4: Conclusion

Let's look at some of the advantages of this specific CNC Dust Collection System:

  • It's pretty easy to make since you have a 3d printer
  • It's easy to find most of the material
  • They all come out easily with the magnets and their mounting back is even easier
  • Straight forward set up
  • Doesn't block the view
  • You can work with ease
  • Easy access to intervene
  • Quick-adjust depending on your materials
  • Super low-cost build