Introduction: CNC Polygon Shelf

About: in case of questions in your head ask

Today I want to present you a polygon shelf.

Only the "connectors" need to be milled.

All you need is a saw and a cnc mill.

I don't think every project needs a long explanation.

Modular design, holds together by gravity.

80kg weight on top -> no problem

If you want to build it I will attach my files (step. and Fusion file including my milling operations) at the end of this instructable.


Material: 18mm plywood

  • 3x 160cmx35cm
  • 4x 47cmx42cm
  • 2x 42cmx23cm

Step 1: Design With Fusion

Step 2: Prepare Milling Operations

Step 3: Assembly

No tools needed

just stick everything together

Step 4: Files

Thanks to everybody which thinks about building one ;)

if you don't know how to create milling operations please check out other instructables like this one:

(great instructable)

or this one:

Milling handbook by Autodesk: