About: We are a Formula Student Electric team from Poland.

TTS (Tire Temperature Sensor) is a PCB designed to measure the temperature quickly, at a distance, and without the need to touch the wheels. The 4x16 pixel IR camera is used to obtain the data. It communicates with the STM microprocessor via the I2C protocol. Data is then averaged out to a 1x8 array of unsigned ints and sent with the CAN Transceiver to the car’s CAN network. This array can be then read off of the telemetry system implemented in the PM-08 racing car.

Step 1: Schematic Overview

Core features

● 4x16 pixel MLX90621 thermal camera


● 24V to 3.3V buck converter

● 3.3V to 2.6V LDO

● 3.3V CAN transceiver

● Overcurrent and reverse polarity protection

● Status LEDs

More informations, and full schematic can be founde here:

Step 2: Results

This IR Camera PCB makes it possible to monitor a tire across its whole surface and prevent any damage associated with the temperature. As TTS monitors every wheel out of 4, our crew can easily detect if tires wear unevenly or excessively. Tire temperature patterns inform whether the car is properly calibrated, as the out-of-tune suspension causes tires to heat up significantly faster. This may result in grip loss and faster wear in these areas. After calibration with FLIR thermal camera, we can get +-1 degree Celcius level of precision.

Step 3: PCB Manufacturing

PCBs designed by our team are manufactured by JLCPCB - a hardware production company that specializes in batch PCB production. U can create PCBs with up to six layers, and order a batch size that fits your needs. Batch production is beneficial since during the PCB assembly many things may go wrong and the board could get damaged. JLC can

assemble your PCB as well. To order a PCB, go to JLCPCB( and click the “instant quote” button.