Introduction: CPX- Headlamp
CPX programmed headlamp that dims or gets brighter based on how much light is detected.
battery pack for 2AAA batteries
(2)AAA batteries
Hot Glue
Step 1: Get CPX Code
Get code from link below:
Step 2: Make Battery Holder From Cardboard
Make battery holder out of cardboard, tape together. Cut cardboard strip for CPX on front, tape CPX to cardbaord, tape cardboard around battery pack cardboard box.
Step 3: Make Fabric Headband
Cut stripe of fabric about 24" long, fold over once in middle and glue, fold over other side to middle and glue. Attach Velcro on opposite end of opposite sides of the fabric strip.
Step 4: Fabric Over Cardboard Box
Cut a small hole in fabric for the CPX to fix through. Wrap extra fabric around box and glue.
Step 5: Attach Fabric Headband to Box
Line up headband so in middle of box, glue down.
Step 6: Finished!