Introduction: Cactus - Key Organizer
I usually lose my keys, and when I have to go out, a seemingly endless search begins in my jackets, in the drawers, on the table, on the floor and sometimes I end up finding them in the least expected places, that's why when this came out organizer contest I saw the perfect opportunity to create an organizer for my keys in a creative and decorative way.
Wooden board - surplus
A wooden slat
White, black and different shades of green acrylic paint.
A screw
White stones
Wooden board - surplus
A wooden slat
White, black and different shades of green acrylic paint.
A screw
White stones
Step 1:
In my house I had a surplus of wood that I was about to throw away, but I decided to use it for this project, I used a 4.5 cm wide wooden strip and some nails, it really is a fairly easy organizer to make and with few materials.
Step 2:
Choose a cactus design that you like the most, cacti have many shapes and you can do it however you want, I took a sheet of newspaper and made the sketch and when it was time to transfer it to the wood I decided to add another arm to the cactus, I loved it the way it stays.
Step 3:
With the help of a jigsaw, cut around the entire edge of the cactus design we chose.
This is the first time that I use this tool, although it looks very easy and for many, handling this type of tool is really not difficult at all, since it is my first time, I feel that it requires a lot of practice and patience, when making the curves it gave me a a little nervous that it wouldn't look good, but I think that in the end it turned out quite well for the first time
This is the first time that I use this tool, although it looks very easy and for many, handling this type of tool is really not difficult at all, since it is my first time, I feel that it requires a lot of practice and patience, when making the curves it gave me a a little nervous that it wouldn't look good, but I think that in the end it turned out quite well for the first time
Step 4:
For the base of the pot where the cactus will go, use the leftover wood
For this base I made a rectangle of 21cm x 10 cm.
Then to locate where we will screw our catus, we will take the width of the base the following measures 4 cm on each side and in the middle we will leave 2 cm, which is where the cactus will be adjusted.
For this base I made a rectangle of 21cm x 10 cm.
Then to locate where we will screw our catus, we will take the width of the base the following measures 4 cm on each side and in the middle we will leave 2 cm, which is where the cactus will be adjusted.
Step 5:
cut the wooden strip the following measurements
2 sticks 23.5cm*4.5cm
2 sticks 10cm*4.5cm
To locate the base of our pot, leave 2cm at the top, 1.5 at the bottom and 1cm in the middle.
2 sticks 23.5cm*4.5cm
2 sticks 10cm*4.5cm
To locate the base of our pot, leave 2cm at the top, 1.5 at the bottom and 1cm in the middle.
Step 6:
Use green acrylic to paint the cactus, apply two even coats of paint to each side.
Let it dry for approximately 30 minutes. Being water-based, this type of paint dries quickly.
After verifying that the paint is dry, take a sandpaper and sand to give a vintage finish.
Let it dry for approximately 30 minutes. Being water-based, this type of paint dries quickly.
After verifying that the paint is dry, take a sandpaper and sand to give a vintage finish.
Step 7:
sand the mat where the cactus will be located, then apply white acrylic, let it dry and then sand the white paint again to give a worn finish, I love this effect on the paint.
Step 8:
This is the part that I like the most about this project, seeing how some simple nails give our cactus that appearance of spikes. Play with the way the toenails are going to be placed, one here and the other there.
Step 9:
While locating the nails I saw that my cactus looked very flat, so with green acrylic a little lighter than the base I made some veins and spikes.
Step 10:
I wanted to add a sign that said home, so with the help of a pencil I made the sign and filled it with black acrylic.
Step 11:
With the help of a drill, screw the cactus to the base of the pot.
Step 12:
I painted some stones with white acrylic to decorate the pot, I really loved it, I feel that it is a nice way to organize my keys so I don't lose them again.