Introduction: Camera Sling Strap.
I was surfing the web for a better way to attach the standard camera strap. I came across the sling strap, which has the weight of the camera on your shoulder, not the back of your neck.
Viewing what other people had done, an idea came to me to use a strap from an old laptop bag. I had several.
Tools required:
Pointed scissors,
Sewing needle and thread, or sewing machine.
Two or three laptop bag shoulder straps, which should contain at least four adjustment buckles and a fastening hook.
One fastener, e.g. an eye bolt, 1/4” thread to suit camera. (I made my own using a lathe and milling machine)
I proceeded to remove the stitching from the adjustment buckles and strap hooks. I was left with the shoulder pad and the still attached straps, 4 strap adjuster buckles, and 4 strap hooks.
I took a buckle and slid it onto one of the straps, followed by one of the hooks, then another buckle. The two buckles will act as locking bumpers, to limit the range of the cameras gliding movement.
I then sewed the ends of the straps together, closing the loop.
Attaching the camera, via a fastener screwed into the tripod mount hole. Then connected the hook to the fastener.
I tried it on for size, and found it a bit long, now how to make it adjustable?
I freed the ends of the straps, cut one of them close to the shoulder pad, and sewed on an adjustment buckle.
I cut a length of strap, from the other laptop bag, and at the end of it, sewed on a buckle, then looping this though the other buckle near the shoulder pad, then through its own buckle. Then attaching this free end to the other free end to complete the loop. Now the length can be adjusted, albeit the strap needs to be taken off to do so.
At the moment, I'm not happy with the hook, a better system would have a swivel carabiner with a locking sleeve. But beggars can't be choosers.