Introduction: Camping / Emergency Toolbox

This is a very handy "fill it and forget it" camping box. This idea is great if your an avid camper, or if you need an emergency prepared survival kit. I got sick and tired of trying to pack backpacks and carrying gym bags full of tools and supplies around, only to forget something. This is a very handy supply kit that you load up one time and forget it! When you need it, it will be ready to go in the box! Whenever you camp or need an emergency kit, grab your box; inspect it and go! Trust me, this will be your overall 'go to' box.
(NOTE: Some items are not approved to have for Boy Scout Campouts. Have your Scout Master verify and approve any items in your camping box in advance of a campout!)

First thing you need is a plastic tool box. Don't go metal. Too heavy and rust is a problem. I went to the Home Depot and bought a 22" Husky Tool box. They are the best boxes by far. These boxes  hold up well and have good storage! This box was only $8 and had 2 removable trays on top which are very handy and give me just that much more storage. One tray is for my First Aid Supplies. EAsy to get to and I can pull it out of the tool box without taking the whole box with me.

Step 1: What You'll Need - First Aid Box

OK so you got the box, now time to go shopping. These are items you should have in your box and I'm sure there are some other stuff that hardcore Bear Grylls survivalists would recommend you have that I have not listed in this Instuctible...this assuming you are not being dropped from a plane into the Mohavi desert to live off dead goat ticks. But for the simple campout this will surfice for now. I collected most of this stuff over time:

- First Aid Kit - Bandages, bandaids, tape, iodine, alcohol pads, non-latex gloves. Pack a First Aid manual with you. Its always a great 
  idea to read up on your first aid to be prepared for the unexpected .
- Insect and Snake bite kits - May never use it, but you'll wish you had it one if you get bit.
- Benedryl tablets - Antihistimine is good to have in case of an allergic reaction, allergys, and itching due to bug bites and rash
  symptoms. (NOTE: Medication, even over the counter, should be checked in on BSA approved trips!)

Read up before venturing out, especially if you have kids. Most injuries are scrapes and cuts, but remeber there are spiders and snakes as well as poison ivy and poson oak. Read up on the different types of plants and insects so you can be ready in case the worst happens. 

Step 2: Tools for the Top Tray

Tool boxes have a removable tray. These are where I keep tools or smaller things for easy access.

- Sunscreen - The higher SPF the better.
- Extra metal tent stakes - You will always have a use for these. You'll loose them or bend stakes all the time. always have a spare
- A compass with a whislte -  Something handy that you will carry around with you in case you get lost. Get a few extra for the kids
  to carry.
- LED Flash lights - I carry at least 2 and an LED head light. (Even have one with an alrm clock) Always check the batteries before  
  going out.
- Multifunction knife or Multifunction tool - A leatherman is great or they make Swiss Army type wrenches with small tools built in. 
  Swiss Army knife is great to have, but you never know when you'll need a wrnech or pair of pliers.
- A lighter and a magnesium starter - Obviously why you need the lighter, but if it gets wet or the fuel drys up, you have a backup fire
  maker with the magnesium fire starter. Or just Rambo it and bring the magnesium starter.
- Bug towelettes - Off makes a towelette wipe. Save on room. easy to carry around.
- Anticeptic biodegradable wipes or a small bottle of hand sanitizer - Bacteria can make you sick. Keep your hands clean!
- Camping toilet paper - need I say more. Its compact since there is no inside roll.
- Sewing kit and tent patches - be prepared for a rip in a tent or if you need to stitch yourself up fast!
- The little orange box is a micro stove. Mostly used for boiling wanter, but you can cook with them. $10 on ebay.
- A can opener - very important! Always have one in your box!

Step 3: Supplys for the Bottom of the Box

So far you have some good stuff, but you'll need more:

- A hammer - for hammering in tent steaks or fighting off rabid squirrels.
- Shopping bags, Garbage bags and ziplock bags - Wrap up with several rubber bands. Great for wet and dirty clothes, trash, etc. Always Remember - LEAVE NO TRACE! Pickup after yourself and others. Leave the place better than you found it!
- Duck tape - If you can't fix it, DUCK IT! Great for quick repairs, skin blisters and emergency fixes.
- Disposible Rain poncho and solar blanket - Hypothermia is something not to take likely. It may be nice out today, but you never
  know what may hit the fan tomorrow!
- Small propane tank  - This is for the compact stove. You can get at Walmart for $3 or $4.
- Propane lamp - These are teh ones with the mantles. Always carry spare mantels. They are very fragile and easily break.
- A crank powered flashlight radio - Allows you to keep in touch and you have a backup if the batteries in your other flashlight die! The
  yellow one is crank, battery and solar powered. Nice to have,
- Battery Led lantern and LED tent light. The round one hangs in a tent, but can be uses for hanging in trees. The one to its right
  makes a nice table top latern
- Rope or paracord - Theres always a use for rope; if not tying a garbage bag to a tree or you may need it to fasten down a tarp for
  shade/shelter. 50 -100 feet is ideal. Also you will need either a book or an iphone app on how to tie knots! Practice your knots before
   you get out into the wild! Best ones are Clove Hitch
- Hand spade - Good for campfires and for digging soil to put out campfires.
- Inflatable pillows - Its either that or a rock. Which one would you like?
- Nylon Cable ties - good for securing tarps to branches in high winds. Other uses can be found for it
- Poison Ivy / Poison Oak gel - trust me, you can get it without even knowing it.

Step 4: There You Go!

You will still have plenty of room to add more items into your box. You may want to add more climate suitable items in colder climates, and this by no means are the only things that you should have in your box. Just remember to overpack on what you may need in case you do need it. Some you may never use. Just make sure that you are not only prepared with your box, but be prepared for the campout.

Most of all Have Fun and Be Safe out there!