Introduction: Campsite Rock Sculpture

About: Hmmm...I was just trying out the name to check the availability :( ahh well...they're cool guys! I'm a teacher/tinkerer/outdoor kinda guy. Bamboo is the most incredible renewable construction materi…
Balancing rocks at your campsite can be both decorative and therapeutic...and just about anyone can do it!

CAUTION!!!  Snakes like to live in and around rocks! Be VERY careful not to stir up something nasty! (yellow jackets and black widow spiders like rocks, too!)

CAUTION!!! Falling rocks can crush your toes! Be careful!!!

Please remember to 'Leave No Trace'!  Take down your scupture when you depart public areas! 

Step 1: How to Balance Rocks

An object will balance when its center of gravity (the place where all of its mass, on the average, resides) is over the point of support. The larger the base, the more stable the object is.

Find rocks that look like they’d be difficult to balance…or pick easier rocks to stack…the challenge is all yours!

For a full mathematical explanation

Step 2: Size Doesn't Matter

Small rocks are fun to balance, too and can be a real challenge!

Step 3: Strong Base!

A good supporting base is important. Place your rock on a flat surface...or in a niche

Step 4: Extra Help

Sand beneath the base can sometimes be used to steady it.

Step 5: Extra, Extra Help

or a 'cheater' rock

Step 6: Steady Hands!

Support your base rock and 'feel' its may need to add rocks in order to find good balance.

Step 7: Photograph

Be as creative as you can and make some fun images!

Step 8: Leave No Trace!!!

When you leave a public camp area, be sure to take down your sculpture and scatter the rocks 'naturally'!