Introduction: Candle Ring Holder

Reuse and express your creativity with these simple yet unique ring organizers!


Candles (new or fresh)


Hot water



Step 1: Choose Candle and Mark

Pick a candle and mark about where your largest ring would fall. You can use this marking to form a candle base.

Step 2: Heat Water

Use a microwave or stove to heat up enough water to submerge your candle in. Make sure your water isn't too hot, this could melt the wax before you bend.

Step 3: Soak Your Candle

Soak your candle for about ten minutes, the hotter the water the less time it will take your candle to become malleable. (I used a purple candle to test out bending)

Step 4: Bend!

After about ten minutes, take your candle out of the water and apply force. Use your hands to bend the base of the candle into a ¨C¨ shape as a standing base. You can also bend the candle into an ¨S¨ shape and turn the candle horizontally. Feel free to express your creativity and bend into unique shapes; you can always cut a flat side into the wax as a stand.

Step 5: Design

Use a lighter to melt wax together if your design needs it.

Step 6: Organize!

I split my silver and gold jewelry with this two-stemmed candle. You can organize from largest to smallest rings or most to least used.

Reuse Challenge

Participated in the
Reuse Challenge