Introduction: Car Project
Hello everyone, To day I will help you make your own little robotic car. This is very simple with inbuilt room for it to be expanded.
To do this first you need to get parts and here they are:
- Ardreno
- 2ED Motor chassie Kit from jaycar (CAT.NO KR3160)
- A battery bank 4AA usb W/switch BLK (CAT.NO MP3083)
- Breadboard (around mediam)
- Breadboard jumpercables
Now you have all your parts lets start building it.
Step 1: Getting Things Ready
Let's first get out our parts. When starting the plastic body will be coated with paper. Make sure you take that off first and these organise the screws. You will only need two types of screws the medium screw and the 4 long screws. Get out the motors and place wheels on them. Now you have your prep work down let's get to the next step.
Step 2: Screwing It Togeather
On your main body there will be long washers, get these out and place them with screws on the clear plastic first. Then after you have screwed the medium screws in line up the holes to the second image. Screw then in so both bit of platic is held togeather.
Get your motors and find the two long holes. It may be stiff and hard but screw in the long screws with the little metal holder to where the cables are soldered (Look at the second image if still confused). Do that step to both motors and find the holes to screw them to the main plastic body. You have to connect the motor and the main body through the metal bit with medium screws.
Step 3: The Back Wheel and Starting on the Code
Now the main body has been put together let put on the back wheel and get the code started.
To put the back wheel on get the medium screws and washers. Screw it in the back making sure it tight and in the right spot.
Lets now jump on the code. I used C++ to code it,
int motor_1 = 1;
int motor_2 = 2;
void setup() { pinMode(1, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); }
void loop() { digitalWrite(motor_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motor_2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor_1, LOW); digitalWrite(motor_2, LOW); \
delay(1500); }
This is just basic code. The void setup writes the motors and in the void loop it tells them what to do. The actions it should take when turn on is this, move forward, stop and move forward. Each delay will last for 1.5 seconds.
Step 4: Doing the Wireing
Now the reason why I connected the motors to the pins is becasue if it just was conect to the power. You would lose control over it becasue you would be continusely connect to the power it will move foward. With the pins you would be able to tell it to give power (HIGH) and when to not give the power (LOW). If you also look closer to the pins you can see that I taped down the wires. This isn't becasue they fell out but becasue when moving they could fall out so just to keep the secure tape them down. After connecting the power to the pins get your ground cable and wire it up just how I did it.
Step 5: Turning It On
So after writing the code and building it have some fun a turn it on. But theres a problem the cable powering it isn't long enoght so use the battery. Flash the code on the Ardreno and then plug in the battery. Let it ride into the sun set, bring it back and then build on it.
This guide wasn't a comprehisve guide to make the best car every but after reaeding this try it. It cost me around $40 and is a great leap into programing while haveing something fun to show off.